you, it was always you.

15 3 0


And all Lucas heard in response was a bubbly, soft, laugh.

Lucas, still so confused, 

and maybe a little scared as to why Peyton was on the verge of cackling

oh, pft, he was.

And Peyton placed his hands on Lucas' tinted cheeks,

oh gosh his hands are so soft, does he use lotion-

His curious thoughts are stopped by Peyton's uncharacteristically soft spoken voice,

"Lukey, baby, it's you, you are my stars."

Processing each word carefully, like the words were sacred, from a scripture, he suddenly realized what Peyton had said, (And why he had laughed, literally gasping for air)

And combust he did.


And the smile Peyton wore could be pictured and hung on a museum, it was a work of art.

""Oh" indeed, you dork."

And he smiled again

All these smiles would literally kill him

this angel will be the death of me

And they stayed there, Peyton's hands still on his strawberry-red face

And then they both laughed, reaching for air and clenching on their sides.

everything was ok.

everything was finally ok.

"you, it was always you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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