Chapter Eleven= Just not the way he held her

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+Taehyung's P.O.V+ 
She had fallen back asleep while me and the guys sat around outside having a few beers, but making sure we didn't drink too much just in case anything happened. Yoongi stared off at the moon while jungkook and jimin goofed around, "It took her so little to trust you." He turned and looked at me while I took a drink from my beer. "It still must be hard for her." He gave a small smile and went back to staring at the moon, I turned to look at her while she laid there peacefully the way her cheeks were a rosy pink just a bit. I got up to cover her, "The way you look at her, is not the way she looks at you." Jimin sat down at the table and I joined him. "I never expected her to look at me the way I looked at her." All though I wish she would, I care so much for her. I've just been around her, I've seen her side no one ever has. I just don't find myself as a fit for her at all, because she has a different plan in mind and I know exactly what it is. 

"Just one night you've slept with her and you fell into a spell." Jimin shook his head and I sighed, I wouldn't say that's all it took. "It was definitely more than that. I get to watch her dance, sing, and laugh, just completely goof around. She has a lot to her that she hides away because of how damaged she is." I watched her breathing making sure she wasn't having a nightmare. I heard jimin sigh and he opened another beer, "Seems like you might have competition." He pointed at yoongi who was also looking at her. The way he looked at her made me angry, "I don't compete for girls, he wants her he can have her. He just has to be good to her, that's all I want." Jimin nodded walking off to Jungkook who was talking with Yoongi, this girl that was asleep peacefully in front of me has her ways. 

I couldn't help but feel jealous because of the way he held her earlier. The way she held him tightly, not wanting him to leave her side, he's going to get her and I'm okay with it. He just needs to take good care of her, I put the empty can in the recycle heading to the restroom. I stood there in the mirror just looking at myself. Why? I don't really know. I thought I had a whole inspirational speech for myself and I don't, because I want her to be happy and if he's it then so be it. I started washing my face to relax me just a bit, I heard soft cries. I quickly turned off the water and dry my face rushing out to her cries, I stood there with the towel in hand with Jimin and Jungkook beside me. I saw how he held her, the way she held on to him tightly yet her breathing steadied quickly and she let yourself lay on him for a comforting support. 

"Seems like he beat you to it." I gave a glare to Jungkook and he stood there quietly, "I don't remember her holding that tightly on to you." I gave my glare to Jimin this time. "How about you remember how to shut up." He glared back, "How about you get out of your mood and ask if she's okay." He spoke in a harsh tone and I was a little taken back, I sighed and walked over. I sat on the table in front of them and touched her arm. She pulled away and immediately hugged me, "Hey princess, everything okay?" She nodded while she laid her head on my chest. "Everything feels okay now." She pulled away and stretched out her arms, everyone walked away leaving me and y/n sitting there. "Is it possible that you trust him?" She looked down quickly and sighed, "I don't think so, I still find myself hesitating to his touch. Sometimes I feel like I'm hugging a stranger, even though he's comforted me multiple times."

"Tae I hope you know that wherever I am I will always try to find a way to reach you, it's my safe place. You got to me faster than any other has, you lost sleep for me." She hugged me tightly and I held her while I felt her tears on my shoulder, "When I found that note I needed you but you were nowhere around. You're my safe place, my home." She held me a little tighter and I held her softly letting her know it would be okay, I took in her figure against mine while she pulled herself to me while she hugged me tightly. I love this girl but she loves me differently, I only know because Yoongi still might be a clueless person to her. She looks at him like she's known him all her life, yet as I held her like this it wasn't the same way she held him. 

She held him looking for love and safety, she held me looking for a person to be safe with. She looked at him with complete love and admiration, while she looked at me with pure love of friendship. I may be her safe place and her home, but everyone moves on to a new home and I know he'll be her new home one day. We may stay like this for days, and I can take her on a million dates. And I know I still wouldn't get the same look and touch as she gives him. I don't know if that hurts me more, or that fact that I'm afraid that if I let her go at this moment I'm letting her go forever. 

I held her a little tighter before letting her go, but once I let go she held in a little tighter her soft voice filling my ears. "Not yet please." Her voice cracked and all I didn't was wrap my arms back around her holding her a little tighter this time, I didn't want her to slip away from me. I know I get to hold her right now but I know I'm holding her for a comforting reason, and it hurt me a little more also. She pulled away with a small smile, she got up walking to the kitchen leaving me there alone. I missed her touch even though she just pulled away, I felt pain from comparing me and him. I know I got to hold her. 

Just not the way he held her 

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