Chapter Nineteen= That is this night.

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+Y/N's P.O.V+
I woke up in my room, not remembering how I got here because I fell asleep in Tae's room. I rolled out of bed taking a quick shower for today knowing what today is. I stepped out doing the usual, got dressed and met everyone in the kitchen. I smiled as they all did as well, "Are they up?" I smiled and they nodded pointing to Taehyung's room.

I ran to my room grabbing the silly string to surprise Jin and Tae, we decided to have a two in one party because we didn't get to really celebrate Jin's birthday. I ran in spraying them as I yelled in excitement the guys quickly followed with small confetti poppers. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIM SEOKJIN AND KIM TAEHYUNG!" We yelled as our voices filled the room the smiles and gave us a thank you as we laughed at the covered in silly string and confetti. "You look amazing in those sparkles." Jimin flirts playfully with Taehyung.

"Imagine just the glitter." Taehyung smirked winking at jimin as his eyes went wide, "Taehyung." With that we fell into a fit of laughter with Tae while there stood a surprise jimin. "Don't start something you can't finish." Taehyung gave a small laugh walking out with us to eat some lunch, we sat around in conversation and laughter. It was a good day, and nothing will ruin it. Rose gave me a smile and I returned it, "I plan on getting wasted because my two babies are finally growing up." I wiped my fake tears as everyone laughed.

"Don't get two wasted please, we need to take care of them." I rolled my eyes, "Fine, but I get to dress however I want. Rose will help me dress for the party." I smirked at the boys as they looked at Rose who nodded quickly at my words. "Absolutely not." Namjoon spoke quickly and the boys nodded with him, "Too late two against seven, darn guys you're outnumbered." I get up quickly with Rose as we rush off to go shopping for tonight. "That's not how math works!" Jin shouted at us.

"See you at the party! GET A HOTEL FOR TONIGHT IF YOU GUYS ARE BRING A GIRL HOME I DON'T NEED THE SINNING IN THIS HOUSE! BYE!" The door closed and we ran to the car and quickly drove off before they came out.

+Jin's P.O.V+
Everyone took out their phones and quickly started scheduling things, "You guys are really getting hotels?" Everyone nodded walking off. I laughed as Yoongi stayed sitting next to me. "No hotel? Shocking for the ladies man." I gave a small laugh, "Already got them but I think I'll be staying there alone." He gave a small smile and I looked at him confused, "You plan on having her tonight?" He nodded and sighed. "I don't think I want her when she's drunk though." I smiled at his answer, "I did good." He smiled and laughed at me.

"Yeah, I like her alot." Taehyung sat down and my eyes went wide,as he sighed and smiled at yoongi. "Good, you'll tell her before she starts drinking so that when she comes to you sober or just a little tipsy. She will want you." Yoongi smiled at his words with a thank you, "Let's get ready we have to make sure everything is good at the party." With that we all went our separate ways to get dressed.

Time Skip

+Y/N's P.O.V+
I hugged my waist as the dress hugged my curves but wasn't so skin tight, good thing it was at least mid thigh and nothing was revealing. I stepped out of the car with rose as you heard the music inside blasting loud, like a normal club just all friends and some family. I walked in and before I knew it me and Rose already took three shots and we were dancing with the boys, I was pulled away from them. I tensed up just a bit to see it was only Yoongi, "Hey, are you okay?" He smiled and nodded while he rubbed his hands together.

I looked at him and walked closer to him, he took notice and held my waist lightly. I smiled as we stared at one another, our lips almost touching. "I like you." He spoke softly, I leaned closer when Jungkook stumbled onto the patio. "Sorry, did I interrupt?" I shook my head pushing myself away from him. "What's wrong?" He sighed and pointed at jimin that was currently puking in a bucket. You can say for barely getting here, Jimin got drunk really fast. "Take him to the house, and if he comes back make sure he washed up and changed." I handed him the car keys.

He nodded, running off, I couldn't help but laugh at the enjoyment he had yet this was an outcome. "Jimin really shouldn't drink like that." I nodded laughing still as we walked back into the party. Almost kissed but once again stopped, I took small sips as the party went on. Taehyung flirted with every girl that approached him and I couldn't help but laugh. Everyone enjoyed themselves as I watched from afar, "Can I take you home with me." I turned to see yoongi with a shy smile. "Please do." He pulled me along with him as we snuck out of this party.

"I have a hotel, would you like to go there?" I nodded at Yoongi's words, you know that I felt like I was that girl that sat in that restaurant staring at him from afar once again and craved him all over again. We arrived as we made our way to the room after getting the room key, opening the door I admired the beautiful room. "Yoongi this is a suite." I gave him confused eyes and he smiled nodding, "A girl should be put in the right room, if she agrees to it." He walked closer pulling me by my waist to him, I looked up slightly staring at him.

Our lips slightly touched this time as I held my breath, "Breathe please." He let out a small laugh and I did taking small breaths. We looked at one another, our eyes holding contact. It's like the deeper I fell into the pool of his brown eyes, the deeper I fell for him. I leaned in and he rested his forehead on mine, "I like you a lot y/n, and I don't plan on stopping." I finally kissed him as our lips were perfect against one another, it felt like my little butterflies I had went away.

He laid me down as we enjoyed ourselves together, I know there are nights I might forget and remember but there's one night I'll never let myself forget.

That is this night.

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