Yandere Hoseok as Film Producer Part 1

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Hoseok as

-Film producer and famous actor

-25 year old 

Y/N as 

-Aspiring actor 

-21 year old 

Y/N 's POV 

To be honest, im in a hurry right now, i never thought this would actually be possible and I'm so nervous that my favourite breakfast doesn't even look appealing. I graduated a few days ago from the Seoul Film and Music University at the age of 21 and when i was getting my final pictures clicked there, i never thought that I would be able to meet and work for The Hoseok Production so soon. 

Well technically, i have my casting auditions today but i am trying to manifest that i already work there. I know its funny, but i wanna stay positive or i might just keep overthinking negatively 

As i gulp down my orange juice, i face my grandfather, my only family left with me, whose face is beaming with happiness. I move towards him and he gives me a tight hug. The warmth radiating off of him. Oh how i would love to make him proud of me. He has always gone out of his way to support me. I know getting selected for a newbie in the industry, even for small roles will not be easy at all, but i also know that i passed the 1st and 2nd round of city auditions and got selected for final casting auditions, so my beginning is definitely strong. 

I picked my bag up and looked at myself in the mirror. Nothing out of the ordinary, but still decent enough for the auditions. I know my hardwork will compensate the lack of expensive clothing. 

I make my way outside my small house and take out my bicycle. The ride would be of 20 minutes and i don't mind cycling at all, i actually like it. I shout my final goodbye to my grandfather, and ride off. 

Soon i reach the venue where my audition is to be held and park my bicycle. I go up to the required floor and as soon as i enter, i feel the atmosphere become heavy with feelings of competition and nervousness radiating from other people present there. Some gave each other looks, while some others just kept of rehearsing their dialogues which i suppose they were gonna audition with. 

I went and sat in a corner, observing everything, there were 9 other shortlisted people in total, making a total of 10 people for 1 position. Many of the girls were wearing overly exposive dresses, i did not call them names or judge them, but watching them definitely made me nervous about my clothes. I just closed my eyes and remembered all those time i took part in plays, dramas and competitions in college, the face of grandfatger cheering me up. I smiled. A new confidence surging within me. I know i was going to perform in front of The Jung Hoseok today, the biggest producer and most famous actor amongst the yound generations. He had already produced 4 films within a span of 5 years and all 4 were hits. The people he debuted were always a hit. And he himself started acting at an age of 15. Being 25 now he was really successful. My palms became sweaty indicating my nervousness but i tried to not let it faze me. 

Soon, my name was heard and i got up confidently striding towards his cabin. I knocked three times and i heard a firm voice from inside, "Come in". I opened the gate and walked in. He didn't look even a tad bit tired even though i was the last person auditioning, as he noted down something on his naotebook simultaneously typing it in his laptop. 

He didn't look up and i moved a little to the middle of his cabin so that he notices me. 

"Sit down please." was all he said without even looking up. I muttered a small thankyou. 

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