Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"I can't believe he said that," my sister says over the phone the next morning. I can hear the disappointment in her voice clearly, and it echoes mine.
I sniff as I sink further into the sheets. I've been crying nearly all night, so I thought I'd run out of tears, but like before, hearing my sister's voice is making my eyes well up again.
"I know. That's why I wasn't able to say anything after that."
I just broke down as Riley walked away.
"So what are you going to do?" Ollie asks me. "And just so you know, giving up is fine as long as it's something you decide on your own. In fact, sometimes you have to give up on something so you can keep from losing yourself."
I shrug as I stare at the ceiling. "I don't know. I mean, my mind was already messed up by all these rumors and now I have to deal with Riley's drama, too." I wipe the tear trickling down the side of my nose. "I just don't know how much more I can take."
"Well, don't wait until you're at your limit. You're dealing with too much as it is. And you're pregnant, don't forget that. All this stress isn't good for your baby."
"I know." I place a hand on my tummy. "I do worry about my baby, but I just can't help all these emotions churning inside me."
"And you're even more emotional since you're pregnant and your hormones are raging like they're at a rock concert."
"Exactly. I can only hope that all this means my baby will be strong. I mean, he or she is already going through so much."
"I know your baby will be strong, because you are strong," Ollie tells me. "But being strong doesn't mean being numb or not fighting back, or sacrificing your own happiness to make others happy."
I say nothing because my throat is already aching, my lips quivering. Another tear trickles down my cheek.
"Thank you," I sob into the phone.
For always saying the words I need to hear. For always being there for me even when no one else is.
"Hey, are you crying again?"
I answer with a sniff.
"Stop or you're going to make me cry. Just come here already. Come home to the people who know you, who love you."
I nod. My sister's right. I need to be surrounded by my family right now. Only in their company can I remember who I really am, can I heal, can I find some measure of the peace and happiness that my baby and I need.
"Okay," I tell her. "I'll go home."
"Okay. Just have someone drive you, or take the bus or the plane. Just wear a disguise. It's too dangerous for you to be driving when your mind's a mess and you haven't been sleeping well. Plus you're pregnant."
"I know."
"Whatever you take, let me know. I'll be waiting for you. We'll be waiting for you."
I wipe my tears. "I will. Thanks."
I really can't thank her enough for being the most reliable sister in the whole world.
After I end the call, I go to the bathroom to take a shower to freshen up. Then I start packing. While I'm putting my things inside my suitcase, I hear a knock on the bedroom door.
"Lena?" It's Judy.
"Come in," I tell her.
She enters the room. As soon as she sees the suitcase on the bed, her eyes grow wide.
"You're leaving?"
"I'm just going home for a while," I tell her as I put another shirt inside the suitcase. "I need a break. I need some time away."
"I understand." She comes over to me and helps me pack. "But you're coming back, right?"
"Yeah." I go to the bathroom to get my toiletries. "I mean, I'm still Riley's wife and my child needs a father. I just need time to cool my head. I need time and space."
"Of course." Judy stands in the bathroom doorway. "How long will you be gone?"
I shrug as I grab my toothbrush. "Maybe a week. Maybe two. Maybe until my head's clear or all this has died down. I don't know."
"Does Riley know?"
I pause. "No. But I'm sure he'll understand."
Besides, he doesn't care anymore.
"So you're not even telling him you're leaving?"
I walk out of the bathroom. "I'll leave a note."
"A note could easily go missing," Judy says as she follows me. "If you want, I can tell Riley."
I turn to her. "You will?"
She nods. "Yeah. Why not? It's just a simple favor and we're friends, right?"
I smile at her. "Thank you, Judy."
Judy shakes her head. "By the way, what are you taking? Are you taking one of the cars in the garage or...?"
"I'll probably take the bus. I'm too scared to be on a plane by myself and I don't want to ask Neil to drive me all the way to Nebraska."
"Won't people recognize you, though?"
I squeeze my bag of toiletries inside my suitcase. "I'll wear a disguise. I have my sunglasses and I can wear a cap."
"Or you can wear a scarf," Judy suggests. "You know, like the ones women wear over their heads in those old Hollywood movies."
"Yeah. I think I have one."
"Won't taking the bus be hard, though?" She sits on the bed. "You need to use the bathroom often, don't you? And what if you throw up?"
I pause. Come to think of it, those are valid concerns.
I shrug them off. "I don't really have a choice."
"Well, what if I give you one?"
I glance at her.
"What if I ask one of our drivers to drive you? Perry, for example. He won't mind. He's used to driving long distances."
"And if I'm not mistaken, he's from Nebraska, too," Judy says.
"And I might ask him to pick up something for me in Denver on his way back."
I take a moment to consider her offer. Traveling by car would be more convenient.
"You'll still have to wear your disguise, though," Judy adds. "Even if it's just when you stop along the way."
I nod. "Yeah. I guess."
The last thing I want is for reporters to follow me all the way to my sister's house.
"So do you accept my offer?" Judy asks as she stands up.
"Alright," I give in.
After all, taking the car means I'll be safer, too.
"But I'll pay for the gas."
"No way." Judy shakes her head. "I'm giving you a completely free ride. All or nothing."
Well, if she insists.
I smile before pulling her into my arms for a hug. "Thanks, Judy. I'm really glad I have at least one friend around here."
She pats my back. "You go home and do what you have to do. Take as long as you need to take. Just leave Riley to me."

(His Rock A Marriage Mistake Romance)  By Ashlee PriceWhere stories live. Discover now