Chapter 2

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~Quick Author's Note~

I apologize for not posting sooner. My internet was down. Teehee... Yeah. I kind of have no idea where I am going with this story so please, enjoy my story that is probably not making any sense. I'm probably writing this to no one because no one is reading this, but hey, a girl can dream can't she?


You woke up screaming, not even remembering what you had been dreaming about. Sebastian is in your room in a blink of an eye. You are on the bed with your face buried in your knees crying.

Sebastian clears his throat, "What's wrong?"

You look up at him. Tears stain your cheeks and your eyes are red and puffy, "...dream..." You put your head back in your knees and continue crying. You have no idea why you feel so bad. You feel scared, haunted, angry, and sad.

He moves closer to you and sits at the edge of your bed. "Did you have a bad dream?"

He seems almost... concerned? Nah. Sebastian hates you. He made that quite clear earlier. Not trusting your voice, you just nod.

"What was it about?"

"...don't... remember..." you say between sobs.

You hear Sebastian click his tongue. "That's just foolish. Why should you cry over something that you don't even remember?" He gets up and leaves the room.

Sebastian just left me here... he really does hate me, You think to yourself, What did I do to make him not like me? My scent? You didn't think you smelled bad or anything so why would he call you not human? Well, at least he didn't call me a demon. You remember his words yet you are not a demon.

You wipe your tears and look at your clock. 3:34am. You decide that you should get some more sleep before your time to get up and work comes. Who would want to start the first day of work exhausted? Not you, that's for sure.

A noise causes you to look up and see that Sebastian has reentered the room. He has a tray with a cup on it in his hand. Sebastian crosses the room and hands you the cup.

You cast a wary glance at the cup, not sure if the liquid is safe to drink or not. It's a white liquid. It smelt like milk. "What is it?" You look up at him.

"Can't you tell? It's milk." He sounds a bit impatient.

Sebastian notices that you are still hesitant to drink it so he sighs and takes the cup from you and takes a sip. "It's not poisoned. I assure you."

"Thank you." You blush. He just sipped from the cup so drinking from it would be like an indirect kiss! You gulp it down happily.

"Plus, I'm not sure poison could kill you. You're not human, afterall." He murmurs as you finish and hand him the cup back.

Gaping at his unbelievable rudeness, you cannot believe him. He just called you not human again! That jerk! Before you could say anything, he leaves the room quickly and quietly.

The door is shut by the time you utter, "Sebatian!" and you are left in the darkness once again because he took the candle with him. The lonliness creeps up on you and you wish Sebastian would come back even if he was going to be a jerk again and say you are not human. At least then you wouldn't be alone. His scent lingers in the room and you relish it. It is time like these that you are thankful for your sharp nose. You touch the spot where he was sitting on te bed even though it has already become cold from the missing person.

He at least was kind to me tonight, you smile as you think to yourself. He sat near me on the bed and seemed concerened about me. He even got me milk! You were throwing a party in your head and thought that maybe, just maybe, he doesn't hate you. Then, you remember, plus, I'm not sure poson could kill you. You're not human afterall. His cruel words make you think twice. He could just be messing with you or trying to get you to quit. He doesn't want you near Ciel. Little did he know that you never back down from a challenge. GAME ON!


Sorry! Short chapter, but I promise there will be more and longer chapters in the future. Look at me talking to my imaginary fans and readers. :D

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