Chapter 9

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~a year and a half later~

"Everyone! I have an announcement to make!" You shout excitedly causeing everyone in the room (Mei-rin, Finny, Baldroy, Sebastian, and Ciel) to stop what they were doing. Sebastian smiles knowingly in return to your huge grin.

Ciel looks from you to Sebastian, "Well, out with it already. I say, ever since you to got together, you have been extremely annoying."

"I'M PREGNANT!" You announce with a huge grin plastered on your face. Dead silence follows the announcement. You look at their blank faces in confusion, "Where is all the happiness and cheers that are supposed to follow? Are you guys not happy for me and Sebastian?"

Mei-rin looks to her shoes and shuffles her feet. Finny starts looking around then plays with his fingers. Baldroy scratches the back of his head. Ciel is the one who answers and apparently says what was on everyone else's minds, "We didn't realize demons could have children."

"Why didn't you?" Sebastian speaks up, questioning his master, "You should know full well that demons have all the reproductive parts." Ciel blushes, looking surprised and turns his head away cursing under his breath.

You gasp at this sight and look to your raven haired lover, "Yaoi?"

The butler opens his mouth to reply, but the young master quickly answers, "As if I would have such relations with this demon. And I am not gay. I HAVE a fianceé, you know, Elizabeth."

Confused you turn to Sebastian, "Then why should the young master know full well that demons have all the reproductive parts?"

"I had to extract information from women a few times so there were occasions where I would have such relations with them in exchange for what they know." The demon answers.

"That's gross." You make a face.

Ciel sighs, "Only you would have that type of reaction."

"That's why she's mine." Sebastian wraps his arm around your waist.

Mei-rin finally speaks up, "You two are going to have a baby shower, right?"

"A baby what now?" What on earth is she talking about, you wondered.

Sebastian enters his teacher mode, "Pay attention. I will only say this once." When he sees your nod, he continues, "A baby shower is a party held by women expecting a child. The woman invites over her friends and they partake in games and other festivities with baby themes and sometimes have prizes for the winners of the games. Most of the time there are little 'goodie bags' containing things that the guests can have to remember the event and/or sweet things. A baby shower is considered a fun event and also helps the pregnant woman get clothes for the baby as gifts from the attendees."

Fully understanding now, you look at the red haired maid, "Oh I don't know. That seems like a little much."

"But you have to!" Mei-rin protests.

Ciel clears his throat, "I suppose that you could use the mansion. Seeing that you probably don't have any friends, I could invite some people I know. You have to plan it and decorate it though."

You smile at your master, "Thank you, young master." You bow your head to him and he walks out of the room.

Turning to your fellow servants, you say, "I don't know the first thing about planning a baby bath."

"Baby Shower." Sebastian corrects you.

"Right, baby shower. So I am going to need you guys to help me. Are you up to the task?"

"YEAH!" Everyone says in unison.


<Time skip to tomorrow brought to you by Angela who I regret to inform you is not in this fan fiction story>

You and Sebastian had to basically do everything since Mei-rin, Baldroy, and Finny tend to destroy things. At least they tried.

"Sebby, where do you think this should go?" Sebby is the new nickname that you have for Sebastian. It was suggested by Mei-rin and you liked it.

"Put it over there." Sebastian points to where he wants the decoration in your hand to go.

"GUESTS ARE ARRIVING!" Mei-rin shouts.

You already knew it since you could hear the guest coming from 3miles away. You smile at your handsome demon and ask, "Are you ready?"

He returns your smile and takes your hand, kissing it, "I'm as ready as I'll ever be."

After everyone arrives, Ciel makes the announcement and everyone congradulates you and Sebastian. You recognize Lau and Ranmau and make your way over to them.

"Hey, guys! How's it going?" You greet them.

"Why hello there, (f/n)." Lau returns your greeting, "Everything is fine. I didn't know Sebastian was the kind of man to settle down."

You look back to where Sebastian is. He catches your eyes and smiles. You smile back at him and turn back to Lau, "I didn't either when I met him, but we're not married yet, so... yeah."

Lau frowns, "So you are planning to have this child out of wedlock?"

You remove your glove and hold up your left hand to show a ring on your finger. After putting back on your glove, you put a finger to your lips, "We are engaged, but keep it a secret. I planned to announce it later on tonight. We want to get married before the child is born so that he/she will not be called a bastard child."

Lau's smile returns, "That's good to hear. I am happy for you two, right Ranmau?" The oriental girl nods her head.

After the games and prizes are done with, you call everyone's attention. With everyone's eyes on you, you take a deep breath. Sebastian comes to your side and holds your hand. "I have one last announcement to make." You pause, nervous. Sebastian squeezes your hand, reassuring you that everything is going to be okay. "We, Sebastian and I, are engaged and hope to get married in 4months. That should give us enough time to plan a small wedding, nothing extravagant, before the baby is born. Thank you all for coming." You bow to everyone in thanks. Everyone cheers.

"This is like those story books you read to children." You hear your fianceé whisper next to you.

"A fairytale?"

"Yes. Except this time the princess fell in love with the dragon instead of the prince."

"Sebastian, you are my fairytale, my kingdom, and my prince."

"How are we going to raise a demon child with no power bondage? It's power is going to be limitless. I'm a full high class demon, the most powerful, and you are pretty powerful for a half lower class and-"


Did you all like the ending? I sure hope so! It's like 00:00 right now so I'm tired, but I never have any time to update otherwise. Just one of the prices to pay, am I right?

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