The end of the good days

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It's the last day of 2014. Shit got real in 2014. But 2014 isn't just a year, it isn't just 365 days or any of that fake crap. 2014 is the year I die. Now, I haven't died yet obviously and I am honestly so surprised I'm still alive.

Last year, I was really sick for months and when I got better one thing stayed, migraines. It took a while diagnosing the stupid headaches and while that was happening I was taking a crap ton of drugs. On and off them, changing them and of coarse the inconsistent consumsion of them on my behalf didn't help either. I was missing school like crazy and being master of procrastinating was even worse. I would miss school bc the stress of the workload would give me migraines. Then I would get back to school and the workload was even bigger. This was a constant pattern and loop that was almost impossible to get out of.

In the beginning of the year, during break I got my school work together and I had two wonderful holiday weeks to catch up on all my school work without the stress of more work being piled on and of school. I started off the year pretty great. I had friends there was a new semester. I truely believed that everything was going to be great and I wouldn't have to worry about digging myself into another ditch. Things were truly looking up for the new, great yeah!

End of the Year, End of My LifeWhere stories live. Discover now