the chariot.

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​​​​​​​some music for you to listen to.

The young man sighed with pure annoyance at the woman beside him in the royal car. His arms were crossed in a stubborn sort of way and it was easy to tell that he was upset with you despite the lack of emotion on the never changing features of his well-structured face.

His gaze wandered out the window and to the endless fields of flowers that surrounded the road of which the car was travelling upon. After the incident with Bastiaan's father, you took a mental note to take the utmost caution with everything you did in order to not to set him off. He was a firecracker just waiting to explode.

"[Name], I hate to be rude but could you really have not thought of a better excuse?" Bastiaan states more than asks, his tone deep and distant despite the two of you being in the same vehicle.

"It spilled from my lips, your highness. I didn't intend to drag us into a larger mess. It was all I could think of either way.." You murmured in a submissive tone. The power dynamic in this very car was beyond your comprehension to say the least and you knew for a fact it would be better not to pull off one of your bold statements at the moment for it could end up costing you your life.

"It was a rhetorical question you fool," Bastiaan lets out a large sigh against the window, his warm breath condensing on the freezing cold glass.

"Still, I would like to offer an apology for what happened." You say to the prince, your eyes looking at him with a hopeful gaze.

He clicks his tongue as his dark orbs look into your own. Not shying away despite the tense atmosphere. You feel as though arrows shoot into you with his harsh gaze clashing against your usual tranquil demeanour.

"[Name], my father is no idiot. He is the king for God's sake. He saw you at the ball as my assistant. Despite that fact, you had managed to convince him that your words were true. At times like these, I wonder why people fear my father so much,"

You decide not to reply to this, wanting to at least keep your life at the end of this 'trip'. You instead looked out the window, focusing on the town flying by as you neared the Agnes family's palace. The climate was fairly similar to back home yet slightly warmer. Most of the houses were made of hay and cobblestone, and more wealthy residents seemed to have larger gardens. If anything, the country seemed fairly humble to their riches.

One arm crossed on top of the other and one leg over the other, Bastiaan looks at you with a displeased expression. "Now look at the mess you have dragged the both of us into. Not only does my father think that Odile Agnes gifted me her best handmaiden to try and win my favour, yet he is now making me return the 'favour' by visiting her on such short notice," Bastiaan looks at you with a deadpanned expression before his features eventually ease up. "I guess this is a good chance to get to know Odile Agnes and earn more information."

"Odile Agnes is the one that acts quite boisterous, yes? I find it quite strange, especially since she has such a mature appearance." You confirm with Bastiaan who confirms you statement with a nod.

"Yes, indeed. She has always been quite the handful. I don't care much what she chooses to do with her time but if she wants a chance to become queen one day I recommend she starts trying to fix her reputation. With rumours concerning her beginning to circulate more and more, I don't want her to affect my own. After all, I am to be king one day," Bastiaan explains to you, reminding you that he was in fact the heir to the throne and you were sitting next to the future king.

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