the eight of cups.

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                  Bastiaan walked with his head high whilst his slim and pale fingers went to fix the black tie that caressed his collar. His pitch black leather dress shoes hit the floor at a satisfying tempo, each small 'clack' sounding the exact same to the last. The palace staff whom he walked by couldn't help but turn their heads in awe, as the handsome prince strode down the hallways as though this were his own palace. The warm glow from the decorative wall lights accentuated his fine features. In all his glory, the prince looked somewhat like a moving doll.

                  Advancing nearer to Princess Stella Hansen's bedroom, he didn't let his anticipation for what were to happen during their private meeting cause him to falter in any sort of way. Instead he continued to walk on unbothered, his face still as emotionless and unreadable as it always were.

                  He halted in front of a pair of golden double doors at the end of the grand hallway, noticing that these doors were much more ornate than the rest he had walked past. The guards standing at either side could immediately tell who Bastiaan was, as he was well-known and often the topic of many people's conversations far and wide. Many people were curious about the enigma of the handsome and cold-hearted prince.

                  They proceeded to firmly take hold onto either door handle and pull it open for Bastiaan, as his presence was expected. Entering Stella's private quarters, he could immediately feel the scent of expensive perfume flood his senses, catching him off guard for a brief moment. He hears the doors shut behind him, and his eyes travel around the room, taking in it's features.

                  The walls were the shade of off-white, their plainness toning down the vast greatness of the golden marble floor beneath his feet. There was underwear, clothes and a variety of small trinkets scattered around the room and particularly on the floor. The curtains were open, yet it was still fairly dark in the room due to the fact it was evening and the sun had already set. The only source of light from her en-suite bathroom, which had it's door left wide open. It's warm light illuminated the messy surroundings yet it was still dim.  The bed was unmade, and the desk in the corner incredibly overloaded with paperwork.

                  "Princess Stella?" He calls out, tapping his foot impatiently. He didn't want to be here, and so refused to waste his time.

                  "Boo!" She yells into his ear, jumping out from behind the maroon red curtains. Her hands raised and eyes wide, she waited for his reaction. However, he reacted in no sort of way, and didn't flinch a muscle at the sight of her. Her face was caked with makeup and her usual red lipstick, accompanied with jewellery that made her plain red, body-tight dress appear less boring.

                  "Do you think this is funny? Or did you think you could scare me?" He hisses judgementally at her, crossing his arms and taking a step back to create more distance, clearly already aggravated by her behaviour.

                  "I just wanted to see if I could make you scared," She confesses, pouting her lips and making her way over to him with a small kick in her step.

                  "Why did you want to meet me in private, and in your bedroom of all places?" Bastiaan interrogates her, not planning to waste any sort of time talking to her without a proper reason.

                  "Well, I was hoping you would at least do something with me if you don't want to go all the way. How long have I been pining over you? Don't I deserve a reward?" She asks, coming dangerously close to him. She pats his chest, dusting away particles that did not exist.

                  "A reward for being a painful bother? I would not like to do anything with you, Princess Stella. I apologise but your attempts to seduce me are useless," He responds, grabbing her wrist and gently taking it off of him. "I suggest that the best thing you could do is keep your distance from me."

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