the ten of wands.

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You and Bastiaan were sat snugly in the car, your arrival drawing nearer and nearer as you entered the palace walls. The familiar silhouette of Ophnosleanade's grand palace entered your visions as you peered at it from the window sill of the glossy black vehicle. You could feel your skin being bitten by the cold and bitter air, which you were surprised that you hadn't gotten used to after all the time you had spent here.

Nobody was awaiting Prince Bastiaan in front of the door, which you found fairly peculiar considering it seemed like half of the palace staff would wait and see him. Letting your curiosity get the better of you, you can't help but ask: "Why is nobody here?"

"Did you forget? We are returning unannounced. I do not want to be sent to another kingdom by my father when I could just go home to Ophnosleanade. It feels so refreshing to feel the cold air on my skin once again," Bastiaan replies simply, his arms crossed as he sat upright. He looked like a perfectly crafted statue, especially since he had barely moved an inch from his current position through the painstakingly long ride back home.

"Don't you think your father will be quite cross with you? Even if he would have sent you somewhere else and therefore prolong our outing, I think you should have told him," You say truthfully, concerned about how Bastiaan's father may react to the news of his sudden arrival back home.

"You are quite correct there. However, I am willing to take whatever punishment my father is going to throw my way," He says with a small smile on his lips towards you. He was beginning to smile more, and you couldn't help but feel your heart warm up at the sight. Cheerfully, you return the smile, only for him to snap away from your eye contact as he feels the car come to a halt. He opens the car door on his own and hurries to the other side, opening your door for you before you could get the chance to do it yourself.

"You've been changing quite a bit around me, Bastiaan. Are you well?" You ask, noticing these strange behaviours begin to pile up.

"Yes, I am well. Don't be ridiculous, [Name]. I am just... in a good mood around you. And that is all," He gives his response, which you didn't find all that reassuring. His shoes on the stone clacked satisfyingly as he makes a rush up the steps, excited to be home and in a means to escape the conversation from progressing any further.

You sigh at this childlike attempt, and chase after him up the flight of steps leading to the main door of the grand palace. It was colossal after all, the towers seemed to reach the sky and the door itself rose highly above your head. You had nearly forgotten the sheer beauty of the palace, yet seeing it made your appreciation for it's spectacular beauty be rediscovered.

"Prince- Prince Bastiaan?" One of the guards by the grand door asks, jumping from the unexpected arrival of the prince.

"We were unaware of your return. Otherwise we would have planned-" The other guard speaks, only to be interrupted.

"Where is my father?" He asks, his tone harsh and demanding rather than the softer one he tended to use with you nowadays.

"We don't know, Your Royal Highness. We have been on patrol for nearly the entire day. I believe around this time he could potentially be in his office," A guard replies to the best of his ability.

"Thank you," Bastiaan responds curtly, inclining the guards to open the doors for him, having to use most of their strength to drag open the extremely large double doors for the young man. Once the entrance was wide open, Bastiaan grinned in a lighthearted manner as his orbs glazed over the familiar scene of his home. Not wanting to wait another moment, he enters the palace. He was visibly quite delighted, savouring the atmosphere of his abode. He pauses just for a moment to look over his shoulder and usher you after him, allowing you entry to the palace.

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