Chapter 18

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I'm going to explain fully Todoroki's place in the mafia. His father, Endeavour was a mafia leader that Katsuki's group executed. Todoroki took the place of his father, that's why he was able to pay Ochako, Iida and Deku so much even though they were working small jobs at the cafe. He hasn't told Deku, but when he heard Deku was back but with kids, he pretended to not care, all he wants is to take the omega, whether it's forcefully or willingly. ⚠️TW there will be blood, gore and deaths in this chapter, the following two chapters after this one will be relatively short.⚠️ 

Izuku's POV:

It's been a year since I ran away... I gave birth to triplets a few hours after Ochako came over to see me for the first time in a long time. The oldest is the girl, Himari, she has blonde hair and green streaks all over with dark red eyes, she's big for her age, but she'll grow up to be a strong alpha just like her father. The second eldest is Kai... He's the second alpha and has straight green hair and has heterochromia, one green eye and one red one... Finally, there's my little baby boy, Aiko, he's so small and frail, he's the omega of the three, he has blonde curly hair and bright red eyes along with freckles and a small nose. 

Todorki is meant to be coming over for dinner, I'm a bit nervous, it's the first time I've seen any alpha apart from Iida in a whole year... But I keep my head up. I start making the food my mind completely scattered with thoughts about what might happen, how he will react to see my pups for the first time, will he hate me... Look at me in disgust? Or will he sympathise with me and be here for me when I need him. Honestly, I wasn't planning on opening up to him just yet but Ochako kept telling me that he really wants to see me and see the pups so I have to put my faith in that. 

Bakugo's POV:

It's been a year... No one has seen or heard from Deku... I miss him, I can't go to bed at night without trying to find him, I feel so depressed and lonely without him, he loved me... and I hurt him... I should've been more considerable to him, and treat him like a human and not a toy. He's gone because of me and my stupid desires... I walk downstairs and I put my shoes on. Kirishima looks at me questionably and sighs," Where are you going Bakubro?" I look at him blankly," Out to Tokyo, to get fresh air..." He nods and I grab my keys. I walk out of the mansion and into my car. I start the car and speed through the streets tapping my foot unhappily. I have to find him... He was al I had. He's not like Himiko, he cares.. he's actually in love with me for me.

I sit back in my car seat and park in front of a small restaurant. I get out and sit down in a seat and I look out the window, my mind blank. I want him... I miss him...

Izuku's POV:

The door bell rings and I sigh taking off my apron and looking in the mirror fixing my hair. I open the door and there stood in front of me is Shoto... He smiles softly, a small yet genuine smile," It's been a long time Izuku..." I smile back sweetly and let him in," It really has... How have you been?" He sighs and takes off his scarf and jacket,"Busy as usual. And how have you been, I heard that you had pups.." I nod softly," Yeah, three little pups..." I put his jacket on a peg and he walks to the living room... How did he know it was there...? I follow him and I watch him pick up Hiamari carefully. I smile and stand at the doorway.

" She's adorable, where are the other two?" I look up the corridor," Upstairs sleeping, she's always the  stubborn pup... never wanting to sleep..." Todoroki chuckled and Himari clinged onto his finger with both her hands and cooed softly," Let me sit her down so you can eat." The alpha nods and hands me Himari gently before getting up. I lead him to the dining room and sot Himari down on her chair. I giver her some pudding to eat and her bottle of milk. (Yes, male omegas do produce milk for their children.) I place a plate of food in front of Shoto and he thanks me quietly. I'm more nervous now to say the least.

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