Chapter 26

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( you Need to read this to understand. This is another time skip, Bakugo and Deku's wedding will be in the next chapter. At this time, Katsuki and Eijiro are back. So please be ready) alsoooo in this chapter, you might meet some more of the members. Like Sero and Mina and stuff.

Izuku's POV:
My belly bulge has gotten bigger... And on top of that, I'm only a few day due. Kacchan's been a sweetheart by looking after the twins while I try my best to not lose my shit.

Who would've thought handily a mafia would be so hard...? I sit down in the kitchen beginning to cook pastries for the after party. My wedding suite is stretchy sure but it'll be uncomfortable if I wear it for too long. I didn't want to wear a dress so I got Ochako to make me a suit that would be more... Girly?? I guess.

Aiko runs in giggling and gently tugs my ankle I smile and look down at him, "hi baby... What's up??" thing is. Aiko's gotten back his happiness after his daddy came home. The same for Kai. He was soooo happy, he fell off the couch and dropped his favourite beanie (a French word for Teddy bear)

He babbles a little before finally finding some sort of word, " Cha.. Chase!!" my heart swells at his pouty little cheeks and sweetening smile. He's probably being chased by Kacchan. They play a game called running away from the cookie monster. Kacchan's way of getting Aiko not to be into alphas. He's only two, but jesus Kacchan's not enthusiastic of his son getting a mate.

I don't blame him. He's so cute and innocent. That's how he shall stay for as long as possible. Big loud stomps make their way to the kicthen with us and Aiko squeals hiding under my apron, pressing against my belly. Ow... I look at Kacchan. Wearing a Halloween costume... Cutified, Aiko gets scared very easily.

He looks around making a small growl, I hold in a laugh, he looks like a pomeranian, " hi Mr. Cookie monster, how may I help?"

Kacchan looks at me and then the tarts before stomping to me, " I'm looking for a tiny little boy, with fluffy hair and freckles. Seen him?"

I shake my head," no but I do have tarts, want one before continuing your mission to find this adorable sounding child?"

Kacchan nods softly and I pop one into his mouth before kissing his cheek and whispering," go easy on him" he nods and stomps off.

I laugh before looking under my apron, " he's gone baby, go hide somewhere else before he returns for your cookies."

Aiko squeals running away with his tiny little feet, " not my cookiesssssss!!!" I smile and go back to making my tarts. 10 down 90 more to go.

Denki's POV:
Me and Kiri are laying in bed when a certain toddler comes running in, Aiko," hide me please" I can't help but smile and pick him up using him behind a bunch of clothing boxes. Then I hear stomping. I laugh and get back in bed Kiri pretending to be oblivious to what was happening. 

In comes Katsuki with a scowl," have you seen a small child with fluffy hair, I'm here to take his cookies!" I snicker and Kirishima shrugs," sorry mr Cookie Monster. There are no cute little fluffsters in our room. Try the training room." I hear Aiko lightly laugh, but I don't think Katsuki heard it. He huffs and stomps off. 

Once the footsteps got further away I picked up Aiko and put him down," you should go before he returns." Aiko nods cutely and gives me a hug before going to Kirishima and kissing his cheek very softly before running of up the stairs. Adorable fluffster.

Sero's POV:

(he's Latina btw😋💅)

I don't know what happened, but there were desperate taps on my door. I open it and in comes my cute little boss, Aiko," hola Chico, how can I help." You wouldn't believe it but Aiko is incredibly intelligent and well raised, he understands English and Spanish at the age of two!

He smiles at me before mumbling out of breath," hide me please tío." I nod and pick him up hiding him on the top shelf of my closet. I've taught both him and Kai Spanish words. Simple ones so that they don't get confused. Plus I'm their English teacher. Y oh dios mio, they're really good.

The little goof ball giggles and I sit on my bed. That's when I hear it, loud thumping steps. Dios, son ruidosos. I look over at my door to see Katsuki in a  costume that looked terrifying. He walks up to me and growls," have you seen a cute fluffy child anywhere? I'm here to take his cookies!"

I shake my head holding in my laugh," sorry Miho, haven't seen any fluffsters here." He scowls and walks off. Once I was 100% sure he was gone, I put Aiko down and he beams at me, muy brillante. " Thank you Tìo." And off he goes running down the halls. 

Mina's POV:

At the Mafia there's a whole group of girls. And one Sunday's, which is today we have huuuuuuge sleepovers. And we have two new members, for the girls anyway, Eri and Ochako. A knock on the door makes us all stop talking, Momo-San gets up and in comes the cutest child over ever seen, Aiko. He pants softly and we all coo. 

He looks up at us shyly, twisting his shirt," c-can you hide me please..?" 

" Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww"

Neijire and Kendo grab some clothes and a wig and we quickly dress him up to look like one of us and he blushes. I don't think he's ever been in a room with this many people.

The loud sound of stomping comes in and we see the one and only Katsuki Bakugo in a terrifying suit," have you seen a cute little fluffster anywhere? I'm here to take his cookies!" 

Jairo snickers as we try not to laugh out loud. Ochako stands up and shakes her head," sorry mr Cookie Monster, but there are no cuties here." We all know it's a joke, and to be honest, none of us are as cute as this child. I know for a FACT he'll be getting those boys when he's older.😏.

Katsuki huffs and puffs and stomps away. Once he was gone Aiko took everything off and smiles,bowing," thank you everyone see you all at dinner!" 


He runs off and down the halls. Absolute cutie.

Katsuki's POV:

As I'm walking down the stairs I hear the sound of bear feet running behind me, I turn around and sure enough Aiko is stood there holding a cookie," I win Mr Cookie Monster!"

Holy shit, this kid is going to be the death of me. I smirk and start chasing him causing him to squeal and runaway. When I catch him I eat the cookie and tickle him walking to the kitchen. Kai is there, yesterday I took them both to the theme park. Kai tends to just sleep and play when he wants, like a cat, but I can't blame home, he is an absolute sweetheart for an alpha, and looks after his momma so much, I'm surprised he even agreed to go when Izuku said he wasn't going to come with us.

The smell of pastries filled my nose and Izuku fed his baby Kai some, you see Kai is babied by Izuku and Aiko is babied by me. It's bad I know, we're meant to help the, grow not treat them like babies, but they're too cute. Kai purrs and I smile holding Aiko close," you two better not finish all the pastries now." 

Izuku turns to me giggling," don't worry we won't. We just made some extras for everyone else." 


I know I said this chapter but I decided to make fluff instead and them the next chapter will be the one where shigaraki makes an appearances, also, do u think there might be a connection between him and someone...?? You'll just have to wait to find out.😃

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