Ich liebe dich!!!❤ - Part II

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Continuing from last part,

Author's POV

Vish started panicking.

Vish: No, he can't do this.

Yuvi: What happened, Vish?

Vish: Yuvi, Di, she is not here. The people who came here and showed the photos have created misunderstanding. We need to find her. She might be in danger. Their motives might not be good. You're understanding, right?

As soon as Mahir heard this, he went towards Vish.

Mahir: Vish, what do you think who might do this?

Vish: Vyom.

Everyone was shocked to core because they trusted Vyom a lot.

Vish: Please don't take me wrong, but Vyom is missing and these photos might be of Vyom and Anu. He must have edited your face in his place.

Everyone was stunned...

Anu was completely shattered into pieces.

Mahir was repeatedly blabbering something.

Everybody was in great tension.

Sumitra and Sanjana were crying and Andy and Dev were consoling them respectively. They both too, had tearful eyes.

Mahir called Bela so that, he can make the police trace her phone number.
But, unfortunately, her phone ringed in her room itself.

Now, Mahir became restless. He was continuously crying.

Mahir: Where might be my Bela? She will be fine, na? What if something happened to her? No, no, nothing will happen. She is strong. I love her... I..love...he...her..

Suddenly, Anu got an idea.

Anu: Mahir, call Vyom. Trace his number. He is with Bela. I know how he used to stare at Bela, who used to sit beside me and then used to tell me that he was staring at me. I was such a mad. I can't risk my best friend's life. Please, do it quickly.

Mahir immediately dialed Vyom's number. He wasn't picking up the call.

So, Mahir asked the police department to trace his number that he messaged the police at the same time.

Within minutes,

Police messaged Mahir the location of Vyom.

The location was of 'Sunrise Hotel', Room no. 104.

He quickly called the inspector and told him to accompany him to catch Vyom and his members.


On the other side,

The men took Bela to the hotel and made her sit on the bed of the room 104.

Man 1: Our boss will come soon to tell you all about Mahir's deeds.

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