1 - The night my life changed

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A/N: To my readers this is my first time writing. I just hope you all like it. Please give me comments so that i may improve my story.

Thanks for reading

Laura lee

1-The night my life changed

Hermione pov

I Just got back home for the summer. I was settling in while my parents were out getting dinner. When there was knock at my front door.


I opened the door and to my supris there stud two officers  that looked like thier was something tariable going on.

"Are you Miss Granger?" one of them asked me.

"Y..Yes" I anwered nervsly.

"We are here to inform you that your parents were invloed in a fatel car acsident earlyer this evening" one of them told me. I was in so much shock that I didn't hear when they asked me if i had some where they can take me.

"Miss Granger"

"Miss. Granger"They repedted my name severl times before I repplyed.

"Sorry what did you ask" was my reponse.

"Do you have some where to go. Other family you can stay at sense your under age" they repeded

"Y..Yes I was getting ready to go to my aunts house anyways. They are on there way here to get me thats why i wasn't with my parents" I quikly lied to the oficers becaus i didnt want to go with them. They acepted what i told them and were on there way.

I shut the door and locked the door. I went up stairs trying to think of what to do next. Then it came to me write to Proffessor McGonagall.

Dear Proffesser McGonagall

I'm writting to ask for help. my parents were killed in car crash and I don't want to live with any of my family. They won't understand me.

pleas write or come over to help

Hermione Granger

While I waited I decided to go through my parents things to see if they had a will and came across a file about me. What was in the file had my mind spinning I wasn't sure what to do. Luckaly Mcgonagall flooed in at that moment. I handed the file after she read it. We were both in uter shock at what we found.

In the file was my birth certificate, my familey tree, a letter from my mom, and other legal docunents. That in it's self not wird. I was most suprised by my birth certificate. My hole life I thought was a Granger but acording to my birth certificate I am Mia Hermione Zabini a pureblood. As I look through the other papers I found out I was adopted at the age of 8, but i don't remeber anything about my past life. I was lost in thought when McGonagall handed me two letters both from my biological mother. One Is to my parents and the other is for me to open on my 18th birthday.

Dear Grangers

I'm truely graet full that you were wiling to take mia in and keep her safe from he who must not be named. she was a suprise after all. When I was pregnet I was unawere it was with twins. I had Blaise first and then mia. I was in uter shock, but a told blessing to have them. my twins were my whole world in tell he who must not be named tryed to take Mia for a sex slave at the age of 6. Thats why I had to fake her death and modifid her name and put a glamer charm on her that will be lifted at the age of 18. I hope that she will be safe with you. I placed a protetion charm on your home to protect her while she is there. I also modifide her memories so she wont remeber any of us, or who she is.

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