3- telling harry

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Hermione/Mia POV

I'm glad Dra's ok but now i have to wait for Harry to get here. Which should be soon.

"B I'm scared"-M

"I can tell. Harry will still love you. I know he's like a brother to you."-B

"Hay Ginny I'm going for a walk let me know When Harry get here." I asked i heard gin say she would as i left the house. I walked down to lack in hopes to wrap my mind around everything that's happened.

"I wish you were here yo help me tell Harry.that and i just got you. Back and want you with me."-M

"Me too."-B

"Why me? Why dose all the bad things happen to me. I just want a normal life. I just realized with the Grangers gone how am I going to buy anything i need."-M

"We'll figure it out. Don't worry will get you anything you somehow."-B

"Oh Dra say he loves you and misses you dearly. I really wish you too could talk this way so I don't have to be in the middle."-B

"HaHa me too. Tell him the same. Got to go Ginny calling wish me luck."-M

"Good luck but you don't need it."-B

"I'm coming gin."i yelled to her

As i walked back i thought of hoe i will tell Harry.I just need to get him alone.I finally got to the house and was instantly brought into a tight huge buy Harry.

Before I let him go I whispered "I need to talk to you alone at some point tonite please." Then i released him from our huge. He just shook his head to let me we can. Not long after Molly called out that dinner was ready. We all went to table to eat. We talked about the upcoming game and school in till we all started to get tired most everyone went up to bed except Harry and I. We walked down to the lack so we can talk.

"So what's so important that you cant tell me in front of everyone else." Harry asked

"Well its hard to so I'll start with my parents died in a car crash. And after i was told by the police i found theses"I said and handed him the letters to read. As i waited I expected the worst but when he was done all he did was give me a hug. I was let out the breath I didn't know i was holding.

"Your not and or going to stop talking to me?" I asked

"Of corse not you still you right."-HP

"You cant tell anyone my life is on the line here. No one knows except my real family and Malfoy. Oh that reminds me apparently my biological parents set up an arranged marriage between Draco and myself. We have apparently been engaged since i was 6."-HG

"What can they still make you do that even though they faked your death."-HP

"According to Blaise they can but it's ok i want to."Harry just looked at me gaping mouth and all."when i read the letter from my mom I got all my memories back and the emotions that come with them. I really do love him i know its hard to believe but he would have never treated me the way he did if he knew the truth. But now we have to still pretend to hate each other for my protection."-HG

"Wow that's a lot to take in. Ok so now what do we do. I mean i know you to well to think that your just going to act like none of this happened you probably talk to your brother all the time now."-HP

"Your right i cant ignore my family. So I'm meeting up with them tomorrow to talk some how. They want to meet at diagonal ally. So i need help to make it happen. Maybe you can come with me and say we're going to get our school supplies. I know Ron wont go he would rather sleep. So what do you think."-HG

"Sounds good to me lets go ask and see if it works."-HP

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2020 ⏰

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