2- Draco finds out

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2-Draco Finds out

Dracos POV:

School has been out for a month now and for some unknown reson I have been thinking about Mia agine. I havent thought about her in years.I feel like my hart is breacking all over again. I allso couldn't stop thinking about  Granger. Ever sences she punched me last year. I cant get her out of my minde she reminded me of mia in samll way. Mia was never afrad to put me in my place. I missed Mia so much. As I was trying to figuer out why Granger reminded me of Mia there was a knock at my bedroom door.


I yell "come in" unaware that my life was about to flip upside down. Just then my best mate Blaise walked in.

"I wasn't expecting you whats going on. I thought you were in Italy with you mom till the Quidich world cup"Draco said excitedly. Blaise just stud there with a vrey unreadable excprtion on his face.

"B what happend? Your acting like you did when you told me Mia died. It can't be that bad."Draco said not sure how to repsond to Blaise.

Blaise final walked all the way in my room, but befor siting down he locked the door and  put a silecing charm around the room. Which toldy freaked me out, but befoe i could ask anything he put hi hand out motioning to stay quite.

"Dra I have somthing to tell you but you have to sware on Mia's grave that you will do everything in you power to not let the info get out."Was all Blaise said. I know it had to be important for him to ask me to sware on Mia's grave.

"I sware on Mia's grave. So please tell me whats going on your freaking me out."Was all I could say.

Blaise took a deep breath and than strated."Dra we have been lied to Mia is alive." The next thing i know everthing whent dark.

Blaises POV:

I was sitting on the ground next to Dra wating of him to wake up so decied to reach out to Mia.

"Mia you there."-B

"Yha whats going on are you ok?"-M

"Dra fanted when i told him you were alive his been out for over an hour."-B

"Do i need to try to get away?"-M

"no i need to tell him details first.Dra will just freak out if you showed up without me explanig first."-b

"ok i hoping i could see you soon though its been to long."-m

"i know will figuer somthing out.have you told anyone yet?"-b

"no i'm not sure how to or who its a lot to take in. what if they dont accept me any more if i tell them. then were  will i hide.theres just to much to thank about."-m

"i understand mabye start by telling harry he will get it.look at everything he has to deal with.just think about it.dras waking up ill check in latter. love you."-b.

love you too was the last thing i heard before dra asked" Why am i on the floor?what happened?"

"you fantied after i told you mia was still alive."-b

"now i rember how is that posible we wachted her being barid. i vist her grave all the time.whats going on."-d

It took sevral hours to explain everthing to him, but when i was done dra was spechless.

"dra you ok"-b


"DRACO" i finaly yelled to get his atention.

"sorry man its just a lot to take in."-d

"i get it, but know you understand why i made you sware to not tell shes not safe if anyone finds out. i just couldn't not tell you i know how much you love her."-b

"I love her more then life its self.i feel horribale for how i treted her the past cuple of years. but if i start treting her normal it will blowe her cover so what am i suposto do. all i want to do is find her and pull her into a hug and never let go."-d

"dra i get it. how do you think i feel. i can feel all her emotions, talk to telepathily, and i know exactly were she is but cant do anything about it."-b

"I forgot about the twin conetion you guy have i dont know how you do it."-d

"i have seen her but only once. it was the night i found out she wasnt dead. mia had a melt down i coldnt conect to her mentaly so i traked her down.when i left it was one of the hardist thing i ever had to do."-b

"do you think i could see her some time."-d

"mabye. i was talking to her befor you woke up she was about to trake me down to help but i told her not to. i didnt want to freak you out before you knew the truth."-b

"yha i probable whould have freaked out if Granger walked into my room.i mite have jixed her."-d

"let me see if she can talk"-b

While i tryed to conext to mia dra got lost in his thoughts or so it seemed to me.

"whats up b is dra ok?"-m

"yha he's good. he really wants to see you though do you think you can get away."-b

"i can try but where are we going to meet i cant go to dras home or ours."-m

"what about Diagon Ally we all have to go get our school things anyway. we are heading there tomarrow. want to get it done befor the quidch world cup."-b

"ill ask molly and see if that will work if not ill sneek away anyways. i really want to see you and dra.ill let you know. tell dra i miss him. i never thought i ever say i miss malfoy or you for that matter. but i really do so much."-m

"me nither. we'll see you soon"-b

it took about 30 minuts to pull dra out of his thought.

"what are you thanking about?"-b

"the last time i was with mia. did i ever tell you i kissed her that night."-d

"you were 6 years old and you kissed my sister."-b

"i know. i  just couldnt help myselfe. i new then that she was the only girl i would ever love and still do."-d

"well youll see mia tomarrow when we go to diogan ally to get school suples."-b

The next thing i know i was atacted by a very happy dra......

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