Bonus 🔞

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Content warning ⚠: This contains mature content. Read at your own consent. Bear in mind that this is strictly FICTIONAL.




Good morning to you, too.

Rays of sunshine seeped through the red blinds in the spacious bedroom, making the male figure lying cozily under the thin layer of white blanket grumble while trying to cover his half-closed eyes with his palm, the other hand reaching over to his side where he was supposed to find his dear girlfriend.

Jimin groaned loudly in annoyance when he noticed that she was gone. He thought today was their day off from work? Surely, he had expected Jeongyeon's beautiful face to be the first thing he would see when he woke up.

"Baby?" Dragging himself out of the comfy bed, he called her.

"I'm in the kitchen, I'm almost done preparing our breakfast." Jeongyeon replied in a singsong manner, chuckling at his hoarse sleepy voice.

Jimin put on his boxers which was previously on the floor before turning off the air-conditioner. The hot summer weather in the middle of July was really a pain in the ass so that explained why he didn't bother to wear anything else. In addition, there were only him and his girlfriend here at the moment and they had seen each other's naked body for a lot of times already.

Walking with a slow stiff gait, Jimin stepped inside the bathroom to quickly wash his face and brush his teeth since his sweet girlfriend wouldn't let him kiss her unless he did his morning ritual properly. Jeongyeon could be considered as a clean freak, besides, who would want to kiss someone that had bad breath anyway.

"What are you making? Fried rice?" Jimin smiled as he saw the figure of his girl moving around in a white oversized T-shirt, probably his. She looked so sexy with her bare legs, those beautiful milky thighs that stole his breath every time.

"Fried rice with some kimchi and cheese toppings."

Knowing that he was staring at her butt, Jeongyeon made sure to give her hips some extra sway. Maybe he could use their day off for some spicy romance.

Aware of what she was aiming for,Jimin quietly walked up to her, stopping just an inch behind the gorgeous lady. His warm hands encircled her waist and drew her body against his.

"Already miss me?" Jeongyeon skillfully added green peas to the colorful mixture, stirring continuously until everything was completely blended. A light giggle made its way out of her lips as she feels her lover's warm breath tickling the back of her ear and soft hands caressing her legs. He tickled her so expertly it was almost scary.

Jimin's chin rested in the crook of Jeongyeon's neck as he inhaled the combined scent of his girlfriend and the food she'd prepared. His voice thickened with drowsiness as he placed a soft kiss behind Jeongyeon's ear.

"Smell delicious, baby."

His head turning inward to press another kiss to her cheek bone, fingers interlocking as they tightened around Jeongyeon's midsection.

"What's delicious? The food or me?" The Yoo-surnamed girl feigned innocent, laughing while squirming to break free from his strong arms so that she could pour the finished product onto a plate. Jimin's instant response to her silly remark was to pull her flush even tighter against his front, fingers wandering dangerously along the hem of the baggy shirt hanging from Jeongyeon's body. Jeongyeon pushed back at him, hips grinding seductively on his big bulge. Jimin could feel her clit rubbing along his shaft through the thin clothing of his boxers.

"No panties? You're so done, babygirl." Jimin's eyes darkened with lust as he fished out his cock from his pants, pumping it to full length before flipping her shirt to push into her abruptly, letting out a satisfied grunt.

"I couldn't even get an warning before you slid that big cock inside me?" Jeongyeon gasped at the stretch between her legs, lips parting subconsciously as she wiggled her hips slightly, as if to hint Jimin what she needed.

"How about a 'Good Morning'?" Jimin taunted, pulling his hips back until just the tip was left and slamming back in, making Jeongyeon moan loudly. Jimin moved his cock at an agonizingly slow pace while his hand reached over to touch her wet folds, wanting to tease the woman in his embrace until she couldn't form a coherent sentence anymore.

"F-fuck." A frustrated groan hit his ears. "Baby!"

But Jimin just kept going with those torturously slow circles of his thumb around Jeongyeon's clit.

"God, you're so big. Ahh... Let me turn down the stove first." It took everything within her to successfully click the off button, her limbs threatening to give up at any moment.

"And you're so tight, princess."

"Faster." Jeongyeon whimpers, the word burning on her tongue, stomach curling at the obvious affect it has on Jimin as he deliberately thrust harder, poking all of her most sensitive spots, making her knees go weak.

Jeongyeon didn't even want to imagine how she must look like to her boyfriend, flushed and a mess, head thrown back, pussy soaked, eyes glossy as she thought about how she couldn't wait much longer before she would explode, how her cheeks bloomed with a red hue despite her best efforts to hide it.

"Jimin, I'm close." Her hands gripped the table as if her life depended on it, tears welling in her eyes, slick running down her thighs, and Jimin could swear he had never seen anything prettier.

"Me too, precious. Shit, how can you be so tight." Jimin used his other hand to grab a handful of her breast then pinched her perky nipple as Jeongyeon let out the prettiest, neediest little whines that made his stomach curl in arousal.

"Jimin!" Jeongyeon cried out as she finally came, clenching hard around his warm cock, already overstimulated from the double assault on her pussy and breasts. The heat radiating from her center was all that was needed to bring him over the edge as well. A few seconds later, Jimin grunted as he filled the girl, rutting his load in as deeply as possible. The sensitivity almost made Jeongyeon come again.

"That was so amazing." She leaned back against his shoulder, breathing heavily as she calmed down, light-headed due to the overwhelming pleasure.

"Will it ever not be amazing?" Jimin smirked, his hands working wonders under her shirt with his half hard cock still resting in her pussy.

Jeongyeon pulled his head closer to her for a passionate kiss, feeling full yet so needy. "I love you, baby."

"Love you too, princess."

"You're up for another round?"


"Breakfast will have to wait then."

A/N: Just a short oneshot because I feel like it. Actually I was going to make this bonus part a series of smut scenarios but since I will be busy until next year, I decided to post only this one. Do you guys enjoy reading these types of chapters?

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