4. I love you so damn much

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A/N: I usually use past tense but I will try to use present tense in this oneshot. Oh and this oneshot will be um... "messier" than usual. At first I thought of a different plot but changed it halfway so you could see why it doesn't seem plausible at several parts (the original is kinda dark and I dislike negative stuffs, which is why I dumped that idea). I don't like this one very much but yeah I will just post it anyway since I haven't published anything for a while now. The next oneshot will be much better (it's actually one of my favorite drafts so far), I promise (or I hope so).

Yoo Jeongyeon is an independent woman. She works at a modeling agency and earns about $5000 per month. Being only 25 years old, she has already reached the peak of her career at that young age. Jeongyeon is indeed the living epitome of perfection. Visual, talent, money, family, love,... She has them all.

~♥~ Jeongyeon's POV ~♥~

"Baby, wait for me okay. I will be there in 5 minutes."

And the line drops, our call is disconnected.

I sigh.

This is the fourth "five minutes" already and it seems like he still hasn't started the engine yet. Will he even make it to our date today? I doubt that.

Looking down at my wristwatch to check the time, I notice that it was noon and in this summer weather, my leather jacket felt so suffocating under the tremendous heat of the sun.

Why did I decide to wear this heavy coat anyway?

Then again realization hits me.

The multiple red and purple marks on my arms stop me from choosing a short-sleeved shirt when I go out.

In all honesty I don't know how but Jimin has managed to leave hickeys on my entire body whenever we make love. Sometimes I wonder if he did research to be able to do it without hurting me. His love bites and handprints cover almost every inch of my tall figure.

Maybe since my skin is crazily sensitive, a tight grip is enough to leave a mark that lasts for a whole day, or even days after. Which just adds up to the enormous amount of money I have to spend on foundation.

Back to the main point, today he is suspiciously later than usual. Normally, he doesn't delay much, especially when it comes to me. And as arrogant as I might sound, I am not. Throughout our four-year-and-counting relationship, he has never had a tardy arrival because he always makes sure to inform me beforehand if there is any sudden business. He is the one who will be waiting when we meet up, not me. This caring action of his is just so sweet and fascinating that my heart can't help but to flutter everytime. Yet recently I haven't had an opportunity to meet him for, let me think, two weeks I guess.

Tired of standing for a long time, I squat down and start to count the reddish orange tiles on the pavement.










One hundred.

One hundred tiles. Only until then do I hear someone calls my name.

I look up from the sidewalk. Jimin is standing about three meters away from me, hands waving as if it wasn't him who decided to turn up late for an hour.

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