Lazy mornings

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//I removed the ships from the chapter titels to avoid spoiling what's going on in some of the chapters//

Hitoshi woke up to the feeling of a warm bundle missing and the soft, bitter smell of coffee engulfing him. He groaned and snuggled up to the heavy blanket, but it just simply wasn't that enjoyable alone.

He reached out and pulled the other pillow to his cocoon, hugging it close to his chest and burying his face to it in hopes of it feeling like the other was there.

The faint, familiar smell of fresh linen, that always seemed to follow the other around, filled his senses and brought a feeling of calmness over him.

The great feeling didn't last for long, though, the smell quickly disappeared, leaving Hitoshi unsatisfied. The pillow didn't do that great of a job substituting for his boyfriend.

So, he threw it to the vague direction where it used to be, and rolled out of the bed, the comforter draped over his shoulders like a cape. Well, it looked more like something a homeless person in the 18th century would wear during a cold winter.

Squinting his eyes, he sneaked over to the kitchen where his boyfriend was already preparing breakfast. He stopped for a moment to admire the person in front of him.

He was only wearing an oversized hoodie -Hitoshi's hoodie, to be exact- and the hem of his boxers could be seen from time to time under his shirt. A couple of hickeys and light bite marks could be seen on his inner thighs, and Hitoshi felt giddy at the thought that he was the one to put them there.

His hair was all over the place, sticking out to every direction possible. He had always had hideous bed hair and Hitoshi thought it was adorable. Just like the rest of him.

He silently dragged himself over the cool, wooden floor to the other person and snuggled up to him, wrapping his hands along with the comforter around his waist.

"Denks", he mumbeled to his shoulder "It's way too early for breakfast. Come back to sleep."

The shorter laughed and continued whatever he was doing.
"It's 10am, Toshi. Get your shit togeter."
"It's the crack of dawn", he complained.
"The sun's already up."
"It's weekend. And we don't have any plans. We can sleep all day and then cuddle the rest of it."

Denki let go of the bowl of unfinished pancake batter and the whisk he was holding, and turned around to look at his sleepy boyfriend.
"You are unbelievable", he sighed before getting on his tiptoes and connecting their lips in a slow, sleepy kiss.

Hitoshi tasted like mornings. It wasn't bad, like a morning breath, but there was just something that made him taste and smell like sleep. It had always been there, and Denki had loved it from the first time he got to wake up next to Hitoshi.

It was soothing and made him want to stay in bed forever, as long as the other was there. It was like all the sleepy things Denki could imagine: it was like warm milk, like a sleeping baby. It was like the feeling of new sheets, like calm late-night conversations. It was like snuggling with favourite stuffed toy, like warm morning sun warming up just the certain parts where the window would let it hit. It was soft and blue. Blue in a good way. It was like all those felings combined, and still not quite. It was something absolutely unique, something that made Denki fall in love just a little more every time he woke up next to his boyfriend. It was maybe just his favourite smell in the entire world.

After a while of lazy kissing, Denki pulled away, getting down from his tiptoes. He buried his face on the other's chest, wrapping his hands around him. Hitoshi adjusted his hands, so they were now on Denki's shoulders, the blanket completely covering his body. He rested his head on top of the other's, closing his eyes and just enjoying the moment.

"Hey", he said after a while.
"Yeah?" Denki mumbeled back, getting sleepy from the warmth and smell of his boyfriend
"I like your pants."
"I'm not wearing any."
Hitoshi hummed.
"Really? Cause I see a pair of really nice pants. You should wear them more often", he chuckeled.
"Aah, you nasty pervert", Denki accused, sinking his slim fingers into Hitoshi's muscles, making the other jerk and gasp at the sudden, unpleasant feeling.

Denki turned around and continued whisking the pancake batter. Hitoshi returned behind him.
"Denkiiii... Come on, please come back to bed. It's lonely there without you", he said with the saddest tone Denki could imagine on the taller.
"Toshi, I'm hungry", Denki complained "I'll make this and come cuddle when it's rising on the fridge, how about that?"
"Okay, thank you...", Hitoshi mumbeled, already half asleep on the other's shoulder.

Soon enough the batter was done, and Denki moved it to the fridge, Hitoshi stumbling behind him, refusing to let go. He took the last sip of his coffee and set the mug to the sink.

He then proceeded to drag Hitoshi back to the bedroom, which wasn't difficult at all since the other was technically pushing him to move faster.

Reaching the bedroom, he crawled onto the bed, Hitoshi still on his back.
"Hey, you're crushing me, move your lazy ass", he chuckled. The other didn't do what asked, instead he flopped over to the side, pulling Denki with him. Then he proceeded to nuzzle closer to him.

"Oh wow, so we're playing this kind of game?" Denki snorted in amusement "You're taking all the blanket!"
Hitoshi hummed in agreement. He totally was and had no regrets.
"What an asshole", Denki sighed.
He grabbed his pillow and slammed it down under his head, half of it ending up on Hitoshi's face.

The latter only mumbeled something incoherent and lifted his head above the pillow, pushing it as far into Denki's neck as he could. He traced a light pattern on it with his nose, and then gave it a couple light kisses to places he knew felt the best to the other. He felt accomplished as goosebumps covered Denki's small body.

"Are you trying to seduce me into not wanting the blanket?" he asked, amusement dripping from his tone.
"Of course not", Hitoshi assured "Just felt like those spots needed some extra love."
"Yeah, sure", Denki laughed and tugged on the blanket "Now give me some of it or I'll go back to making my pancakes."

Hitoshi groaned but pulled the comforter from underneath him and wrapped it around his boyfriend, resulting in him nuzzling closer to him and mumbling a quiet "thank you".

Denki eventually turned around and pressed his face to Hitoshi's chest, wrapping his arms around him. He just smelled so good and was so comfortable, he could stay there for the rest of forever and he'd be content.

Hitoshi buried his face to his boyfriend's messy hair and sighed in content. This was so much better than the pillow he'd been cuddling earlier. He let his eyes drift close, and before he knew it, they were both fast asleep, holding eachother and enjoying the closeness.

Regardless of what Denki had said about the pancakes, they were long forgotten. The two of them would be staying in bed all day, and maybe order takeout when they felt hungry. It was a good day in it's simplicity.

//Here' something a little lighter and a lot fluffier to make up for the past three heavy angst-chapters. Hope you liked it ^-^//

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