Chapter 8💛

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To say that the three boys were confused by Harry and Louis' sudden change of character towards each other would be an understatement. No picture could ever represent the look of pure shock on Liam's face when Harry had walked into the room, a smile on his face and Louis in tow. His face became all the more shocked when they actually started talking to each other. Okay, it was nervous conversations, quick glances at the other, making sure no tot go to close to each other and invade their space, nothing like the friends that they used to be, but that was completely understandable. Niall was over the moon with the boy's progress, this clear by the smile on his face anytime that the two of them spoke to each other. No-one could blame him, however. It had been over four years since he had seen his favourite couple interact, other than be rude and snappy towards each other, and he was starting to believe that this little get together was a good idea. Now all he had to do was make sure that they got together by the end of it! All three of the boys made sure not to ask them too much about it, knowing that they would just argue that they had made up.

As for Harry and Louis themselves, they were happy. They were still very hesitant around each other, getting nervous before talking to one another, but they figured that that was because they hadn't talked to each other in so long, they needed time to adjust to the fact that they were back on good terms with each other. They hadn't talked about Louis' cheating situation, the reason that they broke up all these years ago, but both of them knew that they needed to bring it up. they were both clearly avoiding it, neither wanting to get into an argument about it and end their new friendship less than a day into it. Harry was debating whether he should bring it up when a loud ringing from his phone let him save it for another conversation. Their friendship was still extremely new, it had only been a day since they had made up, and Harry figured that he should save it for a much later date. He wanted to, of course he did, he didn't want to ruin whatever they had, but he also couldn't become better friends with Louis if he had absolutely no trust in him, he needed to know why Louis decided to cheat in him, he had been under the impression that their relationship was perfect; Louis clearly had other ideas. "Haz?" Louis voice interrupted is thoughts, and he came back to the phone ringing loudly. Harry shook his head, picking up his phone and answering the call without looking at the caller ID.


"Simon?" Harry answered, pulling the phone away from his ear and looking at Simon's name displayed on his screen. He didn't know why Simon's contact was still logged in his phone, he had thought that he had deleted it as soon as he left Syco and M*dest! and joined Columbia Records.

"Yes. Someone from the team saw Zayn's picture on social media and were curious as to why the five of you were together again?"

"Erm," Harry pushed his growing hair away from his eyes, wondering where this conversation was leading. "Simon how do you still have my number?" He saw Louis' eyes nearly fly out of their sockets, and noticed how he gulped. He clearly didn't want to be involved with Simon any more than he already was.
"We keep all of our client's numbers in a log. Yours was the only one that hadn't been changed, and Tomlinson wasn't picking up his phone. He probably can't be bothered to charge it, lazy kid." Harry growled when he heard Simon insult Louis. It wasn't a bad one, but he was sick of Simon thinking that he could throw insults all over them. All the five boys were to him were a source of money, and it annoyed the hell out of him. "Don't insult him, Simon. What do you want?"

"Oh, we protecting him now are we? Last time you were saying how much you hate that fag's soul!" A/N Please note that I don't support any of the foul language used towards the LGBTQ+ community, but I'm trying to portray Simon's character better. I can't believe that people use such awful words to describe someone just because of who they love, which we have no control over.

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