《 I 》

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'Wake up!'


'Wake up now, bounty hunter scum, before I take your head off.'


I rub my forehead and sigh through a smile. "No, I don't think I will."

I hear a sigh. "You will do what I say, or I swear to the Force-" It complained before abruptly stopping.

"Fine, I'll get up, but if that voice belongs to yo-" I am stopped by my body moving on it's own. After being forced into a sitting position, I strain to move any part of my now controlled body, only moving my eyes to a dark figure standing near a door.

"You looked like you need help getting up." It chuckled with a deep and almost robotic voice.

"Y-Y-You-re doing th-h-hiss aren't you?" I choke out between strained breaths. What seems to be an eternity passes before it slowly releases its grip and I fall to my knees.

"Tell me what you know about the Resistance." The figure moves closer to me, squatting to meet my face. Even at this height, it still holds it powerful presence.

"Why should I? I was kidnapped and woken up rudely with no promise of pay." I yell to its emotionless face. I move my hand towards my tight for my blaster but feeling nothing. Rage fills my veins and I kick the side of the creature beside me, making it fall and growl angrily.

"What have you done with my weapons?" You yell at the tall figure, now standing in front of it. It reached for its saber and pins you against the wall in a matter of seconds.

"Asnwer me before I dispose of you." It said before igniting its saber, holding it close to my throat.

'Like I was intimidated by that, you stupid Sith droid.' I smirk knowing that this monster can hear my thoughts.

"What makes you believe that I'm a droid?" It asks in a soft tone. I scoff and push its saber away from my throat.

"Isn't it obvious? Your voice, the way you dress, lack of emotion. I can keep going if you want." It raises it hand, making me flitch and I hear a hissing noise as its fingers are placed on the temples of its helmet before it takes it off.

I can say that this surprised me, him being human. A cute one at that, with very dark and long hair that flows to his shoulders and dark eyes that seize my soul.

"Am I still a droid now?" He smirks.

"I hope you know that I'm not with the Resistance. I've worked for you as well. But it seems in times of war, I'm turned upon. Since I'm being treated like I'm one of them I might as well give you what you want, you heartless bastard."

His face became relived as I gave him what he wanted. "I overheard that they know you were spying on them and are planning to run off to an even more remote planet than what they're hiding on now."

The man looks to the ground and let's go of me, cursing under his breath. "You're coming with me. I can't trust that you won't run off and tell the Resistance what you know of our plans since you're so keen of sticking your nose into other people's business. You will be by my side up until the search is over, since you know so much."

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