Chapter Fourteen

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True to their word the Officers to Sky and I went to the hospital.Sky was in with the Doctor right now getting stitches as I waited outside with the Officers who were kind enough to uncuff me and let me be checked by a doctor. They even got us donuts,they probably just drove around all day with some in stock.

"Thanks Doc I'll be carefull" Sky said as she exited the doctor's office smiling ,she had been in there for almost two hours a smile is not what I expected.

"You feel better Sky any pain" I quizzed.

"No but I really do need to pee" Sky begged looking at the officers.

"Alright you can go pee but we'll be right outside the door" One of the Officers whose name was Jeff said.

"Aye aye Captain we won't be long"Sky promised as we were escorted to the ladies room.

When both entered the ladies room we locked the door.

"What's the plan sky?"Mia asked

"I'm thinking just wait a sec they should have left us on the 1st floor we could have taken a window" Sky said

"Okay no window alright ,this might sound crazy but I need you to punch me" I whispered.

"W-what noooo ,you still have a mark from the slap no Mia" She argued

"Wait hear me out I've got a plan it just has to be a good enough punch to have my nose bleed a little"I convinced

"What's the plan?" She question

"You'll call Romeo after you punch me and after I hang up scream for the officers saying that I need a doc because i suddenly started to bleed in that mean time he'll be on his way here and cause a distraction to help us get away"I said in a rushed manner

"Ughhhh M,I'm only doing this cause if we get arrested we're on the first flight home okay" She complained

"Stop your whining and hit me"I insulted, she merely squinted her eyes and prepared herself causing me to close my eyes awaiting the impact.

"Ouchhhh ,you son of bitch ,where the fuck you learn to hit like that damn ,i said make me bleed not give me a rhinoplasty" I complained in a hushed tone but it hurts like a bitch.

"But it was your idea and it worked ,now excuse while i call romeo ,wait i dont have his number" Sky muttered

"I do" I answered, handing her the card that was in my Iphone case.

"For a second there i thought the plan was over before it even started,how did you get it by the way?"sky said

"When he came by he left it saying was incase we need him again or something like that" I said with an eye roll

There was a knock at the door that made us jump.

"Is everything okay in there?" One of the officers asked.

"Yeahhh,just a second" Sky called out

Dialing Romeo's number he quickly answered in the is ring thankfully as Sky put the phone on speaker.

"Need me already so soon beautiful his voice rang out" Romeo answered

"Don't kid yourself it's not that kind if call" Sky told him

"Not this time"He replied

"How did you know it was me ,or do you normally answer the phone like this ,you i didnt take you for a whore my my was i wrong .." Sky rattled on so I turned on the tap and threw water at her to catch her attention to remind her what the hell she was supposed to do.

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