Episode 1: Fly on the wall (part 2)

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Walter inwardly cursed, he was losing precious time trying to find the door, scanning the area in search for light leeks or any other indications that could point out a door. Although finding light to a dark tunnel system that hadn't been used in years was an almost desperate way of thinking. 

When the insect suddenly roamed around Walters head again with its annoying buzzing sound. He waved his hands around his body wanting to prevent the creature to possibly sting him. Which was an instinctive move that his brain told him to quit. Logic knew that wild movements would only attract the insect even more. 

The buzzing faded, this time to his right and the genius turned around trying to see if he could distinguish the source. Something felt odd about the creature but he couldn't pinpoint it. Perhaps being alone in a closed off space while people were depending on him upstairs had triggered his paranoia.

The silence reverberated in space, indicating the insect had left. The type of creature didn't really matter, it was common sense that they would try to find a way out. In this case it hadn't left in the direction of where he spotted the staircase. So the bug must have found the other exit. Walter now almost wished for the insect and it's annoying sound to return. It would make his mission a lot easier. 

As if the good lord had answered his prayers the sound of buzzing increased again. Walter was all ears to pick up where it came from. Cautiously not to trip over anything he tried to locate the source. Taking small steps in the direction of the sound he knew he was right, hearing it increase once more. The insect disappeared in between a row of boxes its sound fading again. 

The door had to be hidden behind the stack of cardboard boxes. Walter started moving them around two at a time, they weren't that heavy. The genius wanted to scream victory when his hand bumped into what seemed like a lever. Squinting his eyes he could see the item appear in his sight. 

Walter didn't bother to finish the last boxes and tried pulling and pushing to open the exit. Tripping over the boxes in the process as the door fell open. Opening the entrance to the tunnel system, he was greeted with an endless path of darkness.
What way was he supposed to go now?

A loud yell for help somewhere brought Walter back to the reality, it was quickly followed by a gunshot. If the bug was a bluebottle fly like he thought, it would lead him to where the wounded person was. Bluebottle flies were known to feed on wounds, decaying flesh or carcasses. As the creature hadn't tried to attack him like a wasp or a bee would have so he sticked to the assumption it was a bluebottle fly. 

"Here fly, fly" 

Walter tried hushing the creature when it's buzzing sound, to his great joy, increased again. With nothing but a buzz and the deafening silence now surrounding him. The noise did continue feel odd, yet seemed all too familiar. Walter couldn't quite put his finger on it yet.

It was as if the creature was waiting for him to join. The buzzing of the insect remained an inviting constant in the empty space. What was the worst that could happen following an insect through a dark space? 
Walter's instinct was right the bug did seem to lead the way. It moved through the connection of pathways in a cautious motion. Swiftly leading him across the network of dark corridors to the the door that would grant him access to Nemos diner. 

It felt strangely satisfying to have company on this mission. Walter wasn't used to being alone on a case. His new companion didn't speak but his guidance and buzzing sound soon became comforting.

He pulled the door to the cellar of diner open in hopes nothing would be positioned against it on the other side. Since opening the door could let whatever was behind it lose support and make the whole thing collapse. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2020 ⏰

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