Chapter 6 ~ Faces

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It was very easy to see that Hinata was getting nervous about this Tsukishima guy. Maybe Kageyama was alright with the idea of tagging along with the blonde but the short boy certainly was not. Here's the thing, even if it was a long time ago Kageyama had still travelled with people since the apocalypse began. Hinata had not. The last person he'd spent time with before the raven-haired man was his sister who he was forced to murder with his own damn bat. He'd been thrown into the deep end, leaving his childhood home with a borderline stranger who he'd literally met the night before to go to some safe place that neither of them had any proper confirmation existed and, if that wasn't bad enough, now they were following yet another stranger who's taking them to meet whatever group he was travelling with. Now that's a whole lot of strangers and the ginger wasn't sure if he could handle it. He gripped his bat tighter, it was still stained with the blood of that guy Kageyama had killed, and took a few deep breaths, trying his best to stay calm. He was 99% sure that it wasn't a good idea to walk up to a bunch of new people, that he assumed they'd be travelling with from now on, looking like he was about to have a panic attack.

Kageyama noticed that the ginger was uneasy and sighed, gently patting his shoulder in an attempt to be comforting. "How many times have I told you that you need to relax?" Sure, the way he said it sounded kind of snappy but it was only because he had an act to keep up. The last thing the male needed was to be seen as soft in a situation like this. In all honesty, he wasn't too thrilled about the idea of travelling with a big group again but he'd done if before, he could do it again. Also, the idea of safety in numbers had basically convinced him that it was the best thing for them to do.

The small boy flinched away from the hand on his shoulder on pure instinct. "Eh? I am relaxed! Bakageyama!" He puffed up his cheeks and looked away from him, clearly lying but he really didn't care. He'd never been that good of a liar, he'd basically come to terms with it at this point.

"Well you don't sound relaxed kid." Tsukishima rolled his eyes and stopped walking when he reached the little shack. He knocked on the door and went inside. "I'm back assholes and we've got guests." He beckoned the pair over and they followed him inside. First, the blonde pointed to someone who looked to be related to him. "This is Akiteru. He's a part time doctor, though it's only self proclaimed, and a full time asshole."

Kageyama snickered slightly, these two clearly got on very well. Akiteru, on the other hand, didn't look so impressed. "Well that's not very nice of you Kei, especially since I'm the one working hard to save your dying boyfriend." He folded his arms and raised his eyebrows.

He chuckled. "Yeah yeah, no need to get pissy over it it's just what brothers do." He really couldn't be less arsed about hurting Akiteru's feelings if he tried. "Anyway, this is my boyfriend Yamaguchi." He signalled to the freckled, green-haired boy lying on a blanket in the corner of the room. "Don't touch him or the blanket, he's infected."

The raven haired man immediately tensed up. He folded his arms and raised his eyebrows. "I'm sorry, did you really take us here and expect us to travel with an infected person?" It was a rhetorical question. "Why haven't you killed him yet? Being around him is dangerous!" He needed to get himself and Hinata out of there now before something went wrong and they both got infected. He moved in front of the shorter boy in a protective way, just in case Yamaguchi decided to run at them and attack them. If that happened, he'd get Kageyama first and Hinata could run away. Wait, why was he protecting Hinata? Surely he wanted to protect himself first. He was an every-man-for-himself kind of guy, after all. Still, something about the boy made him want to protect him.

"There's no need to kill him unless he tries to touch us." Akiteru jumped into the conversation again because Tsukishima was about to blow a fuse at the dark-haired one, he could tell just from the look on his brother's face. "Besides, I'm working on a cure for the illness so with any luck he'll be healthy again before we reach the safe place.

This caught Hinata's attention. "You're going to the safe place to?" He poked his head out from behind Kageyama, looking up at Akiteru. A small smile tugged at his lips. Maybe running into Tsukishima was a blessing if it meant that they could travel with more people! After all, there is safety in numbers.

Akiteru looked back down at the small ginger and nodded. "Yeah, we are. You two are going there?" A small smile tugged on his lips. "Is that why our Kei brought you here, hm?" He took a few steps towards the boy, a sweet smile still on his face.

Tsukishima sighed and folded his arms, looking at his brother in a disapproving way. "Stop that." He started, sighing to himself. "I get that the little shrimp is on the short side but that's not excuse to patronise him like that." He chuckled to himself, now smirking at Hinata. He thought he was very funny and he was expecting the boy to laugh but, when he didn't, he decided that travelling with the ginger would be way more fun than he anticipated.

Hinata pouted and looked at the megane one. "Hey, don't call me shrimpy! It's mean!" He was trying his best to sound intimidating but the childish pout mixed with his appearance was not helping his case. The blonde chuckled and opened his mouth to answer back but he got cut off. "And don't call me shorty either! God you people are so rude!" A part of his old personality was peeking out once again and, even though he was annoyed, he was proud of himself for not forgetting how he used to act.

"That's enough." Yamaguchi spoke up, trying to sound assertive even though his voice was shaky and quiet. The poor boy had lost most of his strength since he got infected and he was nowhere near as loud as he used to be, to top it off. Still, he was trying to keep up his peacekeeper personality, mostly for the sake of his boyfriend. "Tsukki, stop picking on him."

"Shut up Yamaguchi." Tsukishima rolled his eyes, walking over to the green-haired one and looking down at him. He'd love to kiss his forehead like he used to but he wasn't allowed to touch him. Sure, it was life or death but it still hurt him. "Shouldn't you be asleep anyway? You need your rest."

He laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry Tsukki...goodnight guys." He smiled at the group before lying back down and closing his eyes, drifting off to sleep. The others fell asleep after a couple of hours of conversation, their first night as a group was over.

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