A bit about our "transfer"

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This chapter is kinda pointless if you aren't iiTxddy_Vxbez

So as you know, we've switched to Wattpad as an alternative to meetings. This chapter is basically going to explain how this will work.

1. There's a way to reply to each paragraph. If you can't figure it out, I'll make a chapter about it. Anyways, we'll use that to conversate and/or give feedback about plans.

2. This won't be perfect, but nothing is. I think the biggest issue is that we cant both write chapters on this, but we can work around that. 

I'll add more to this if I need to-

A/N: If you actually bothered reading this chapter, you probably have even more questions than you did before- If you want answers, feel free to DM/PM me! <3

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