Chapter 21

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Nightmare awoke with a jolt, his eyes opening as sharp claws poked him. "Get off of me!" He hissed, turning over. He saw Drought standing over him, her eyes wide.

"It's just me!" Drought gasped, touching a talon to his head. "I think the guards are coming to take us to Queen Fissure."

"That's fine. The only way to get out is if I fight them," Nightmare growled. He leaped up, then headed towards the large metal door that kept them in here. He rammed his shoulder into the door, and the metal began heating up at the contact of his scales. "Who would've thought that it'd be this easy," he chirped as the metal began sizzling and melting. Smoke stormed up in his face, making him cough a bit.

"We're going to be free!" Drought gasped, rushing towards Nightmare. She smiled widely, showing her teeth as her eyes brightened. "I'm glad you came here," she stated, resting her palm on his other shoulder.

"Uh, you're welcome," Nightmare stammered, his ears jolting forward at the sudden contact. He shoved more of his weight against the heavy door until he melted a large hole through it. He could poke his head out now.

"Are you going to melt the rest of the door, or are you going to try and reach the keys?" Drought asked, flicking her tail.

"Melt it, obviously," Nightmare answered. He stood up on his hind legs, resting his palms on the door to melt it quicker. He moved his tail and pressed it against the door, then pressed his chest against the heated metal.

"What happens if the guards come now before the door is fully melted?" Drought asked, tapping her claws on the floor nervously.

"Well, I might have to kill them," Nightmare sighed. He suddenly heard claws clicking on the ground, and he growled slightly.

"They're escaping!" A MudWing yowled, rushing forward with his spear. "Get them!" Two more MudWings rushed toward the door.

Nightmare quickly grabbed a melting chunk of burning hot metal and threw it at the closest MudWing's face. He screamed in pain as the hot metal sizzled against his scales, and he tumbled over in a tangle of legs and wings. He tripped another MudWing in the process.

Nightmare finally created a melted hole big enough for him and Drought to squeeze through. He climbed from the hole and stopped, turning towards the MudWing that was rushing towards him. He opened his jaws wide, feeling a burn creeping up his throat, then he blasted a jet of hot fire at the MudWing's wings. He screeched in pain as the wing-skin lit up in flames. It quickly crumbled to ash. How's that feel? It's hotter than a normal dragon's fire, isn't it? 

Nightmare turned towards the other MudWings. The MudWing that had tripped was still clutching his face in pain and was rolling on the ground. The third MudWing stood up, looking at Nightmare with storm clouds of fear in his eyes. He turned with a yelp and ran down the hall.

"He's going to get backup!" Drought hissed, lifting her barbed tail.

"That's ok. We just need to get the prisoners out," Nightmare stated. "You keep watch while I'm helping them escape," he ordered, flicking his tail. He ran towards the cell with the IceWing inside, then wrapped his talons around the metal bars. That's the IceWing from before! He better still not give me that icy stare. He burned through them with ease, then widened the other bars for the IceWing to get through.

The IceWing stared at him with surprise. Nightmare grabbed the chains and burned them as well. The IceWing quickly shook off the chains on his snout, relief flooding his eyes. "I hope to see you again," he rumbled, his voice laced with frost. 

"Wait, Numb!" Drought gasped. "Help us with the other prisoners!" She pleaded. "This will be done a lot quicker with you helping," she stated, looking at the rather large IceWing.

Numb dipped his head. "Sure thing," he said. He rushed towards a cell with a young SandWing, then grabbed the metal bars and widened them with ease. The SandWing dipped his head, then took off down the hall.

"Poor things," Numb hissed under his breath as he helped another dragnet from their cell. "Sad what Queen Bramble has become." He flicked his whip-like tail.

Nightmare rushed towards another cell, and recognized the young HiveWing from before. She was the one that angered Copperhead! He noticed that the metal bars were still bent. Her amber eyes glanced at him as he melted the bars of her cell. She quickly slipped through and rushed towards Drought, embracing the princess in a hug.

"Meadowhawk!" Drought gasped, her wings wrapping around the young HiveWing. 

"Drought! I thought you were dead," Meadowhawk whimpered.

Nightmare moved to another cell, burning the bars. He repeated the process for five more cells, watching as the SandWings and HiveWings escaped. Finally he reached Silverfish's cell and the insane SandWing's cell. 

Silverfish looked up, her eyes widening. Her beautiful amber eyes lit up at the sight of Nightmare. "You came back for me!" She gasped.

Nightmare quickly melted the bars, his tail drooping. He watched as the dainty hybrid slid through. "I'm finally free!" She yipped, spreading her wings. She bounced in the air, then started to spin around in a circle.

"Stop right there!" Six MudWings appeared, and Nightmare noticed Muck, Tadpole, and Copperhead. Oh no..

Copperhead stepped forward. "You're actually helping these pests escape?" He asked, his eyes locking with Nightmare.

Numb stepped forward. "I'll handle this," he growled, standing beside Nightmare. He stood tall, the tips of his folded wings touching the ceiling of the hall. He was almost as large as Copperhead. 

"They're going to imprison us again!" Silverfish screeched, stumbling backwards. 

Suddenly, four MudWings appeared behind them. "Kill that IceWing!" One roared, thrusting his spear forward. The MudWing that had ran was in that group, and the MudWing whose wings had been burnt was now standing, looking angry. 

Nightmare lashed his tail. He still had to free that SandWing, but how could he? And how would he defeat Copperhead, the fire-resistant MudWing?

Wings of Fire: A Dark Nightmare #1Where stories live. Discover now