The taking...

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It was 1945, things turned gruesome. Every day the government made a statement all over the news to the whole world saying "Every day when a baby is born, we will take them from you, and when 10 years pass we will return them back to you. We are doing this as an experiment to see if they remember or recognize who you are. We will switch them out to different people to see if they recognize if they know who is their parent and remembers and who doesn't and stays. Whoever runs away from their family and remembers everything of their past, we will take them into custody for testing." Everyone was upset that their babies were taken from them. Some were happy because they didn't want a child in the first place. In this time, some were even killed because the government didn't even want to deal with the babies. Some parents hid from the government because they didn't want their child or children to be taken away.

 So, my name is Aaliyah Audre Bankole. I am from West Africa. Born, March 21st, 1951. My number to the government is 145-76-3319. Not only is that what I am referred as to the government, I am referred that to everyone. We aren't allowed to call each other by our names, only our numbers. We are numbers to society. Our numbers were pierced onto our skins.. engraved with hot steel when we were first delivered to the place we now stay. No one knows where this place is except for government officials and the millions of kids who are trapped here. I am now 5 years old. This place teaches kids how to advance their intelligence in a quick and unhealthy way. Since we were toddlers, everyday we used to go into a dark, plain grey, room filled with silence and nothing.. We had no choice and stay there from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 in the morning. If we didn't pay any type of attention, if we didn't answer anything correctly, if they detected a lie, if anything wasn't valid or if it wasn't correct, we'd get beat. We would be forced to cut ourselves... We were brutally punished at young ages. Some were favored more than the others. I wasn't liked at all. I was disrespectful, didn't follow the rules, I tried killing one of the government spies. I'm lying... A few of them. And I did. I killed them with a blade I secretly hide in my body. The reason I killed them.. because they tried to touch me and I didn't want them to do anything sexually to me. They have many times when I was a baby. I was naturally a killer. It comes to me without being taught or shown to me. I know my family were gang members for many years... since the late 1820s to be exact. But yeah, here's my life in this hell hole. Time to see the survival part of my daily life...

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