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A year passed. Yay.. Today is such an exciting day.. I wish. March 21, 1958. Today is my 7th birthday. And a few other kids birthdays as well. On the speaker on the ceiling, one of the officers had announced for all of us to go down to the dungeon. I wonder why?.. So we all form a line and walk into the dungeon. One officer closes the door and locks it. The other grabs a machine gun.. And the last officer grabs a whip. So, one officer shoots three kids in the head. Dead. I was wishing they'd shoot me in the head. But no. Sadly not. They pull me and another girl aside and one boy aside. I don't know what for, but I'm "happy" to find out. So, the officer who has me, locks me into a cell. Then, finally they give me a different punishment other than rape, being whipped, and cut. He puts a shock collar on me. Then makes me stand on the wall. He shocks me with the collar, for it felt like forever when really it was only 5 minutes. It felt a relief when I could finally breathe. He made me stand up again. He started throwing knives at me. He missed many times, but then he got me once on the arm. I had to pass him the knives back. He just knocked me to the ground. I thought I was going to get raped again, but he threw a punch at the arm he pierced the knife in. But he whispered these words to me "I'm sorry. I am only doing this because if I don't play along, I will die myself." I was in shock when he said that. He left me there. He looked back and nodded his head. I nodded mine back. I kind of felt sympathy but at the same time I don't trust him. He's just like the rest of the officers in this wretched place. But it was weird because for the first time in my life, I felt another emotion other than pain and anger. It's so.. peculiar. I don't like this feeling.. 

It's crazy how every year on my birthday, they always take me into the dungeon and punish me for no reason. I haven't killed anymore officers or hurt anymore kids. So, I don't understand. Why am I the only person this happens to?.. Every single year. The only times when it didn't happen was when I was 1 and 2. But I don't understand why I get this treatment... Right now I am left in this cage.. Locked in. I'm bored,so I am just climbing the bar cells. Awaiting for the next punishment I shall receive. 

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