Chapter 3

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When she arrived at the edge of the village, her heart was still beating from the encounter with the wolf attack and the noble stag.

The village had become quiet in the wading evening. Smoke from chimneys rose into the sky painted violet and orange by the setting sun. The little houses that lined the cobbled streets looked sleepy and calm, a day's work sending everyone into the comfort of their homes.

After unsaddling Apollo and closing him in his stall with his oats for the night, Evolet realized the Booksmith's shop was closed for the day. Deciding she would pick up the book tomorrow, she started to head home. The little cottage at the end of a small road was a welcoming sight for Evolet. The light inside meant Vanadey was still up, probably waiting for her.

Good, Evolet thought, wanting someone to tell about the encounter to. She knew Vanadey wouldn't look at her preposterously or judge like anyone else would. After all, why wouldn't someone think absurdly about her claim that a wild stag had decided to rescue her from a pack of wolves?

She opened the front door and found Vanadey sitting by a small fire, busy whittling away at a small piece of wood in her hands. Despite her hands being veiny from her age, they were very nimble and adept, like her mind, sharp and cunning, which showed in her bright eyes that seemed young and too mischievous for her face. Her faded raven hair, intermixed with multiple locks of snow white, was kept back in an emerald-dyed head-wrap.

"Evolet," she said, looking up.

"Hello, Vanadey," Evolet loosed the string at her throat and hung up her cloak.

"Did you fetch me my list of herbs and plants?" Vanadey asked from her place by the fire, still carving at the little slab of wood.

"Yes," Evolet began, "and no..."

"Yes and no? Please explain how such a paradox can occur?"

"Well, what I mean is," Evolet came over, "I got all of the herbs except the bloodroot." She sat on the floor in front of Vanadey and took a hand in hers.

"What's that?" Vanadey asked. She reached out a hand and brushed Evolet's cheek. Evolet felt a slight sting. Reaching up, she felt the skin where a scratch stretched across her cheek. Blood had begun to dry across it, but was still oozing from a small open crack. She didn't know when she had received the wound. She hadn't even felt it. "What happened?"

"Well, that's from an interesting encounter today."

Vanadey raised an eyebrow, interested to hear. Evolet took a breath.

"I was out searching for the last thing on the list - the bloodroot - when we were attacked by a pack of wolves."

"Oh my! Are you alright?" Vanadey grasped Evolet's hand and squeezed it.

Evolet patted her hand reassuringly. "Yes, I'm fine."

"But how did you manage to get away with nothing but a scratch on you?"

"Well that's the interesting part. I was saved by the most unlikely thing. A stag."

"A stag?"

"Yes! He just jumped in and fended them off."

"He must have been defending his territory. Stags are known to be very territorial and it was probably proving its claim on that part of the forest."

"But he didn't run me off. Rather, when I reached out to him, because he was hurt, he ran off."

"They're still wild creatures. Beasts they are, eating my garden." Vanadey got up, taking the carved work and little whittling knife with her. "Well then, it seems a majority of my medicine will have to be postponed since I won't have my key ingredient of bloodroot to add."

"I'll fetch some for you tomorrow."

"No, rain is coming." Vanadey took a step on the stairs leading to the second floor before looking at her. "Wait until it has passed."

"But I didn't see a cloud in the sky at all." Evolet got up and put out the fire.

"It's coming." With that, Vanadey retreated upstairs. "You can begin stripping the lavender and red clover tomorrow. Mr. Potts is stopping by first thing."

"Alright. Good night, Vanadey." Evolet walked over to the window where the candle burned. Looking out she saw darkness yet she could still discern the distinction between the sky and line of mountains in the distance with the forest in front of it. She wondered if the stag was still out there, in pain.

She blew out the candle and followed Vanadey's trail up the stairs. She didn't hear it, but thunder rolled in the far distance.

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