intro lol

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A/N : IF YOU'RE JUST INTERESTED IN THE MANIFESTATION TIPS GO TO THE "how to manifest with scripting" CHAPTER.  (you can skip all my boring scripting idc) <33

i'm trying manifestation and this is going to be my everyday scripting.

if u don't know what the law of attraction is and how manifestation works pls go watch a youtube vid about it (u can watch the one at the top x it really helped me) or look it up online because i'm really bad at explaining what it is.

basically it's... too complicated for me to explain so just go look it up please

there is no real story in this, it's just me wanting to share my scripting (why? idk) it's gonna be very boring but maybe it'll help some of u to understand how scripting works

i'll also give tips on how to script & explain what i manifest in my scripting to give u guys an idea of how it works <3

i'm very new to manifestation so if some of u have any tips for me, feel free to comment or dm me!


enjoy i guess

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