how to manifest with scripting

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for those interested in learning how to script (or if you need tips) watch the video at the top, it explains pretty well how to manifest with scripting. i also wrote down the 3 important steps for scripting and examples if you don't want to watch the video.


STEP 1 - gratitude list : write 5 things you're grateful for

example : 'i am grateful for my family and friends'

STEP 2 - goals : write down your goals as if they have already happened

example : 'i am so happy now that i have my dream body'

STEP 3 - scripting : create a day in your dream life where you have achieved all your goals

tips : include the things you are manifesting in your day and create situations that you would be put in or feelings that you would have once your goals are achieved. you need to already have the feelings you would feel once your goal is achieved. for example if you want a new car, try to feel how it would be when you receive it or when you drive it or what you would do with it so it feels more real in your mind and it tricks you mind into thinking you already have said car, that way you are attracting in your life.


hope this helped some of you !

comment if you want more video links like this one (u can also check out the one i put in the first 'chapter')

vote (pwetty pwease 🥺)


love y'all

annabelle <3

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