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Alex cuddled tighter into Charlie's chest as the pair desperately tried to slumber against the stiff hospital chairs. Justin had days, hours even, and both Charlie and Alex's hearts were in their mouths, anxiously waiting for some news, good or bad. Most people had gone to grab just a few hours of sleep, but ever since Zach had gone off the rails, Alex wanted to stay in the hospital to make sure he was there for him as soon as he finished his talk with Justin.

Charlie had decided to stay with him, gently stroking the boy's fluffy hair as he laid against him. He sadly sighed as he watched him try to find comfort, the stress and exhaustion evidently taking a toll on his TBI, his body and mind beginning to grow weaker.

He admired Alex's kindness, his ride or die love for his friends, but couldn't deny the pang of jealously in his stomach as his boy continued to move heaven and earth to make sure Zach was okay, even if it affected his own health and recovery.

If he was being honest with himself, he'd been thinking about it all night. His brain still on the kiss that Alex was yet to tell him about, his brain still on the fact that Alex once liked Zach, a friendship that until tonight he thought of as platonic. He tried to shake it off, instead focusing on Alex's shallow breathing and painful expression as he tried to sleep.

Alex was exhausted, his head hurting, his limbs aching as he slumped against his boyfriend for support. They had been in the hospital for nearly three days, and he didn't want to admit that he was feeling rubbish. This wasn't about him, it was about Justin who was going through far worse at the moment. He strived to be there for his friends, ignoring his Dad's frequent texts that begged him to take a break.

For once he wanted to be strong like everyone else, not a burden with a hole in his head that was currently spinning. Stress combined with lack of sleep messed with his TBI, making his legs more tired and his balance wobbly. He felt shaky, disoriented even. He was hoping that a nap would sort it, desperately trying to catch a few minutes before Zach came out.

As his eyes fell shut, beginning to suck him into dream world, he felt a hand rest clumsily on his shoulder.

"Jesus Zach, don't wake him, this is the first time he's slept in 3 days." Charlie warned, his tone more forceful than usual. Alex didn't want to think too much into it, but forced himself awake, pulling his body up slowly into a sitting position.

"I'm awake, I'm awake." He yawned, sluggishly rubbing his eyes. "How'd it go?" He asked, smiling sadly at Zach as he stood before them with puffy eyes and a disheveled expression.

"It was really hard, but I'm glad I did it." He smiled, finally swigging from a bottle of water rather than whiskey.

"Proud of you." Alex nodded, grimacing slightly as he tried to move his bad leg. "I think we are staying for the long haul, wanna join us?" He mumbled, earning a look of concern from Charlie, as he stared him up and down.

Zach sighed as he looked down at his water bottle, finally feeling the effects of his excessive drinking, and now banging hangover. "I reckon I might need to sleep this off, before I'm of any use to Justin or his family right now." He huffed, his head in his hand. "I'm sorry to be such a pain, but there's no way I'm over the legal limit, could I get a lift home St. George?" He asked, smiling down at Charlie, who was currently more worried about Alex instead.

"Why don't we all go back home for a few hours, you can rest at mine Alex." He suggested, his hand resting on Alex's as he shook his head. "You look exhausted Lex, you need to take a break." He smiled, pressing a kiss to his hair.

"I'm okay, take Zach home and get some rest, I'll be here when you get back." Alex mumbled gently.

"Yeah, I'm sure Alex is a big boy he can take care of himself." Zach joked, winking at Alex, the pale boy who inaudibly chuckled.

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