Helpful Yoda

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"Hey." Alex chimed as he walked into Tony's garage for the 3rd time this week. He looked nervous as always, as he shakily stood with two coffees and a friendly smile. "Wondered if I could hang here with you for a bit?"

Tony nodded, his head sticking itself out from under the car as a form of greeting. He smiled at him as he watched the small boy perch against the petrol cans, gazing down at his fingers with glazed eyes, as if he didn't know what else to do. Tony was confused as always when it came to Alex, they had 'hung out' three times this week but Alex refused to say a word, just silently watching Tony work each time for a couple of hours. It was strange, but Tony allowed it, his intuition telling him that something bigger was going on. He was just surprised, surprised that Alex would come to him of all people. It wasn't that he didn't like the boy, but he wouldn't have said they were close.

In an attempt to cut the tension, Tony pulled himself out from under the car, cleaning off his hands with a wet cloth before walking over to Alex's little frame that appeared hunched and dishevelled. Something wasn't quite right, and with Alex's history, Tony didn't want him to bury himself in his thoughts.

"Fancy going for a walk?" He smiled, taking a sip of the coffee his friend had brought for him. "It's a nice day, I know a good trail." He watched Alex raise his head from his solemn stare at the floor, nodding as Tony offered his hand to help him stand.

"M'okay" Alex whispered, pulling himself up with his good hand, before looping his bag over his shoulder. "Wanna go?" He tried his best to appear talkative and somewhat normal as they made their way to Tony's car, but inside his stomach was swimming with nerves, eating his insides like an anxious predator. He didn't know who else to talk to.

"So Standall, talk to me." Tony encouraged, as they pulled up at the national park. "What's on your mind?" The 20 minute car ride had been a mix of silence and old music as Alex sieved through Tony's tapes. It was only as they began to walk through and abundance of hills filled with trees, that Alex gained what courage he had to open his mouth.

"How did you know you were gay?" He mumbled, staring down at his shoes as they walked further up the hill. Tony let out understanding sigh, motioning for the boy to perch next to him as he took a spot on the grass.

"I just knew I suppose." Tony smiled, fiddling with the blades of grass beneath them. "I tried things with girls and I just felt like I was playing a role you know? And then I started feeling shit for boys." He watched carefully as Alex's demeanour changed, his breathing slightly quicker as he locked eyes with Tony. "It was hard to come out to a catholic family, but you have to be true to yourself." He saw Alex nod, his eyes suddenly back on the ground.

"You wanna talk about it?" Tony questioned gently, catching onto the meaning behind their current conversation. He understood what he was trying to say, desperately trying, but failing as he saw his friend's hands begin to tremor.

"You know that no matter what, it's going to be okay don't you?" He added, comfortingly curling his lips as Alex's face started to fall. He watched his friend's eyes well, his little hands shakily flying up to cover them in embarrassment.

"Oh, Alex, man, it's okay." Tony shuffled closer, embracing his fragile figure as the boy began to sob. "Hey, c'mere, you don't need to say anything, just let it all out." He could feel his own eyes watering as Alex let out violent sobs, the pain for the smaller boy overwhelming on top of everything he'd already been through.

It was a solid five minutes before Alex pulled away, releasing a long awaited sigh of calming exhaustion before staring Tony anxiously in the eye. He could do this. "I-I think I'm b-bisexual." He stammered. "O-Or g-gay, I don't know yet." He choked back more tears, his shoulders finally slumping as he relaxed slightly.

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