Aninversaries & Screaming Children

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*June 5th, 2030*

"So what do you fancy doing today then?" Alex smirked, winking seductively as both he and Charlie pulled into the driveway. It was 9:00am, and after dropping the kids off at school, the day was theirs to seize.

It had been 6 years to this day, that they had finally settled down. Charlie was convinced that getting married to Alex Standall was like a breath of fresh air, the fight to breathe it all in, but then the calming, welcoming exhale, when you realised it couldn't get better. That was life with Alex. It couldn't be any better.

After about a year of meddling with adoption agencies, and working long nights for little pay, the pair had hit the jackpot, blessed with a set of twins more gorgeous than Charlie could describe. They were bright, bold and happy, but totally unlike each other. Polar opposites was the only way they could be described.

Mia and Jack had just turned 5, the 'crazy age' as Alex called it, his head sometimes spinning as they'd run circles around him, throwing toys like grenades with screams loud enough "to send him deaf". He was constantly exhausted, but god was it worth it.

"I don't mind, but I do know one thing." Charlie chuckled, turning off the engine, as he leaned over the seat. "I have wanted to do this for the whole car journey."  He saw a smile plaster itself on Alex's face, as he cupped his cheek gently in his hand. His soft skin, made Charlie fuzzy, almost delirious as he leaned in, pulling Alex towards him. He gradually accepted and they shared a long passionate kiss, roughly tugging on each other's shirts. Alex was beautiful. And he was his.

"Happy anniversary baby" Alex whispered, regaining his breath, as they pulled away. His warm touch on Charlie's neck, almost tied his tongue, but he managed to mouth 'I love you' as they leaned in again. Today was going to be a good one.

"Buzz buzz, buzz buzz"

"Who's that?" Charlie questioned, now opening the car door. They were on their way back inside, when Alex's phone began to ring, his all so familiar ring tone echoing against his trouser pocket. He accepted the call, and shooed him away as he opened the front door, curious as to whether the call was important or not.

"Yes...yes, we will come down there straight away...okay...bye." He hung up almost immediately, and took the keys out of Charlie's hand. Charlie was dumbstruck at first, but his face softened as Alex began to head to the car. He had a feeling that he knew what was wrong.

"Is it Jack again?"  Charlie asked, following him into the passenger seat. "Was that the school?"

This was the thing about Jack. He was a five year old boy, who was most of the time very happy, but he differed from his sister, this is when it came to school. They had only started less than a year ago, both with different attitudes, and both with different friends. Mia had always been very outgoing, her bubbly personality making her confident, cheeky even, rather like Charlie. But then there was Jack, who was the quieter of the two, almost like Alex. Always quite nervous, apprehensive, when it came to school especially. He hadn't been doing too well at the moment, and the school ringing up was a usual occurrence.

"Apparently he is pining to go home again." Alex sighed, starting up the engine "The principal says that he was in floods of tears, cowering in the toilets. He is down in the nurseS office." For a five year old, it was normal to have separation issues, but with Jack something was different. He was frightened to be away from the pair, and his frail personality hadn't helped. They had brought them both up from 6 months old, but they were both so different.

Charlie looked across at Alex, smiling sadly at the anxious look on his face. "He'll be okay Lex." He whispered, reaching out to place his hand over his husband's.

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