Her butler, introduced

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Ciel's POV

It was horrible. I was stuck in a cage skin and bone covered in bruises and hickies and blood too. It was a nightmare for me. I was 10 years old at the time. The day that I was saved, wasn't what I expected it to be.

I formed a contract with a demon when those bastards that kidnapped me summoned him. Of course I was scared when I saw the demon, but I had to do it. For the sake of my families name.

2 years had passed since then. Right now, I was sleeping peacefully until a bright light hit my face. " My lady, it's time for you to get up." My butler, Sebastian said. I got up and stretched then I sat up and moved to the edge of my bed. Sebastian then started to dress me. But what pissed me off was when he kissed my leg.

" Sebastian, we've talked about this multiple times. Stop touching me in an inappropriate matter!" I said. He smirked then put my sock on. " For breakfast today, we have a lightly poached salmon accompanied by a delicate mint salad. I can also offer toast, scones, or pain de campagne. Which dish would you care for this morning young mistress?" Sebastian asked me.

" A scone." I said. " Today you have a meeting with Mr. Hughes, the authority on the history of the Roman Empire, and this evening Mr. Damiano of the Poseidon Company will be paying you a visit." Sebastian said. " Oh, is that the man I have in charge of stuffed animals at my factory in India?" I asked him.

" Yes. I'm told he's Italian. We will, of course, offer him all the hospitality the estate can provide." He said. I picked up my tea and I could smell a very familiar smell in it. " I know this smell. Is this tea Earl Grey?" I asked Sebastian. " Yes, from Jackson's of Piccadilly." He answered. Then he got up and put his hand over his heart. " I shall wait for you at the dining table, Master." He said smirking then he started walking away.

Narrators POV

Ciel started doing all of the things she had to do as usual after she ate and of course it was all boring to her. The only thing that interests her is getting a letter from the queen or seeing Sebastian. She doesn't want to admit that she has little feelings for Sebastian because of her pride. Ciel was currently playing a board game with Mr. Damiano and was winning. " The progress we've been making withe the East India factory is quite astonishing. We already have the makings of a top-notch staff." " Bewitched by the eyes of the dead." Ciel said still focused on the game.

" You have terrible luck. It appears I lose a turn." She said looking at the board. Mr. Damiano chuckled. " Right now is the perfect time. We should begin expanding and building a strong labor force in-.." " Go on. It's your turn." Ciel said cutting him off.  " Oh, yes. I just spend this, then?" Mr. Damiano said. Then he spun the top. " Okay, there. Five spaces. Now what I wanted to ask you, perhaps you could contribute another 12,000 pounds to support our expansion? I believe it would be quite a profitable venture for you, my lord." Ciel inwardly smirked when the older Italian man called her that. It amuses her how people can't see that she's a female instead of a male. She hides her true gender for a reason, and that reason is to keep her families reputation as is. People didn't except that the Phantomhive's had a daughter instead of a son that was going to take over, so Ciel decided to dress as a boy to keep working and help build her family's reputation.

" —..And I would consider it an honor to help expand the Funtom Company-.." " Lose a leg in the enchanted forest." Ciel said cutting him off again. " Huh?" Mr. Damiano exclaimed. " And it's your turn again. I lost a turn, remember?" Ciel said. " Oh. I see." Mr. Damiano said. Then he spun the top again. " Right. I move six." He said. " You don't. That's three." Ciel corrected him. He did what she said. " you lost a leg, if you recall. Now you move only half of the spaces." Ciel said. " Oh my, this is quite a gruesome game. Is there any way I could get my leg back?" He questioned her. " I'm afraid once something is truly lost sir, that one can never get it back again." She said, then she took the game piece from him. " Your body is burned by raging flames." She said looking at him. Mr. Damiano was a bit creeped out and soon Sebastian came and told them that dinner was ready.

Ciel and Mr. Damiano looked at the food confused and then Sebastian explained what it was ( dramatically) and then they started eating. Sebastian went over to Mey-rin and got close and whispered to her to pour Mr. Damiano's wine. Ciel felt a pang of jealousy but she didn't know why. Mey-rin walked over to Mr. Damiano and tried to pour it in the cup but instead she poured it all over the table. Ciel and Sebastian eyes widened and then Sebastian grabbed the table cloth and took it off. " Huh? Where did the table cloth go?" Mr. Damiano questioned. " A speck of dirt. Most unsightly. I had the table cloth removed so it wouldn't distract us. Think nothing of it." Ciel said. " Please except my apologies, sir. Do continue. Enjoy the meal at your leisure." Sebastian said.

The two continued eating and soon they ended back inside to talk about work. " So lord Phantomhive, about the contract?" Mr. Damiano questioned. " Yes, but let's finish the game first." Ciel said. " B-But my lord-.." " Children can be very demanding about their games. You wouldn't want to see me upset now, would you?" Ciel questioned him smirking. Mr. Damiano internally glared at Ciel and then he excused himself to use the telephone. After he left, Sebastian came in with the tea cart. Ciel was about to drink the tea until she smelled it and frowned. " What is this? It smells terribly weak." Ciel said. " It's italian tea my lady. Italians usually drink coffee, so their tea is more weaker than ours. Is it not to your liking?" Sebastian asked her. Ciel glared at it. " No, it's not." She said.

Sebastian smirked and got closer to her and Ciel was getting confused and nervous and then she gasped when she felt his lips on her neck. Ciel calmed herself down and then she frowned as usual. " Sebastian, what are you doing? Ciel questioned him. " I'm showing affection for my master. Am I not your servant?" Sebastian questioned. Ciel sighed and agreed and then Sebastian moved away from her. " I will go prepare dessert my lady. Call me if you need anything." Sebastian said winking and then he left. Ciel regained her posture and then she thought about what Sebastian just did. " * sigh* What is going on with me?" She muttered holding her head.

Meanwhile with Sebastian, he was following an injured Damiano down the hallway asking him why he was leaving. And soon, Damiano crouched and crawled into something that'll really get him warmed up. " Oh, it seems that you couldn't wait for dessert could you? And you found your way to the oven too." Sebastian said. Damiano's eyes widened and he looked around. " Oven?! Hey! Let me out! Please!" He begged. But Sebastian just left him in there and walked away. Sebastian was currently outside giving the other servants a pie and then he went to go back to Ciel.

Ciel chuckled as she saw Damiano stagger to his carriage and then he yelled again. " hahaha, he sounds like a pig getting slaughtered." Ciel said smirking. Sebastian internally smiled seeing his mistress satisfied and then he handed her the cake. Sebastian turned around and was about to walk away until Ciel called his name. " Yes, mistress?" Sebastian questioned. " Come here." Ciel said. Sebastian rose a brow and headed over to Ciel's desk. Ciel got up and told him to kneel to her height and he did. Sebastian was confused about what was happening and then his eyes widened when he felt a pair of lips on his cheek. " Mistress?" Sebastian questioned looking at her. " D-Don't get the wrong idea! This is just payback for earlier!" Ciel said blushing then she looked away. Sebastian chuckled and then soon, their day came to an end and Ciel went to bed while Sebastian patrolled the manor. But most of the night, Sebastian would stay in Ciel's room and watch her sleep. " * sigh* Young mistress I wonder,

When will you leave your shell?

To be continued...

The mistress and her butler! ( Fem!Ciel x Sebastian) Where stories live. Discover now