Chapter 12

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The menacing stare you gave Arthur have been there for what feels like months. Red Shoes looked at you,, then at the dwarves. She felt suffocated in the atmosphere, and your deadly profound aura gave her chills on her spine.

"Well anyway," She broke the ice, drawing all of the attention to her. "Thank you, guys, no one has offered to help me in such a long time. You guys are awesome." You smiled, but they didn't notice. "Really? You think we're awesome?" Merlin repeated her last sentence, not believing the word she said.

"Yeah, you guys are sweet and caring, and..." She replied, nodding her head. "And not completely hideous to look at?" Merlin cut her off, in doubt.

"No, you guys are totally adorable." She squinted her eyes and gushed at their faces. "I think I hit her too hard." You heard Hans whispering to Merlin, your eyes widened, and give Hans a What?! look. "But she is beautiful." Merlin reasoned with him and gazed at her. You felt something stab you, something you never felt before. But you shook the thought away, thinking that this may (or may not but still) affect your insanity.

'Never mind this unknown feeling, you can think about this later, but right now ... BE GONE NEGATIVITY!'

"She can help...break the..." You overhear Merlin's mutters but did not fully understand what he had meant by that.

"Since you two will be staying here." Merlin clasp his two chubby green hands together, "Luckily, there are some spare bedrooms in our humble abode. You may choose whichever you like." You and Red nodded and went out of their room.

Red insisted you take your first pick, and you picked out the first room you saw. The one next to the dwarves' room. It has a medium rectangle window near the bed, two bedside tables on the sides of the bed, a desk fit for one person, a full body mirror near the doorway, and at a coat rack at the back of the door.

It has a major difference compared to your room at the castle, but it felt like home already.


The sight of pastel pink clouds and the light orange of the sun as it slowly lowers down, it was a magnificent sight of the afternoon sky. It was dusk, seeing from the window of the room you were staying at. You suddenly remember the necklace the older woman gave you. You opened your satchel and take out the necklace. It glistened when the ray of light from the window hit it as you hold it in front of you.

"It's such a beautiful necklace. It's a shame she gave it to me. But to not feel guilty about it, –"

You put on the necklace without difficulty, and you make your way to the small mirror of the room. You checked yourself and think it's not that bad, and it actually fits you perfectly.

'It fits with my complexion, but I don't know if this could affect my training moreover in battles.'

You shrugged anyways. Speaking of battle, you thought of an upgrade for your staff. You took out your staff from your satchel and walked downstairs, you bumped into Arthur. You glare at him for a second. You clear your throat. "May I ask where you make your weapons? Like a tool shed or workplace?" You forgot what it was called, and you hope that he gets the idea.

"It's outside. If you look to your right, you'll see our storage room. It's next to that." He bluntly points out, you didn't expect him to get it like that, but you thank him and walk your way outside. "Did not expect him to be like a tourist guide." You muttered to yourself. You laughed at the thought of it.

You can immediately hear the sounds of a hammer and metal once you're near the doors. You assume that those dwarves are creating something as you got the hint from the loud whirs of a drill. You knocked on the door and peeked out, and you saw the triplets building something huge you can't predict what it is.

You moved inside and knocked on the door, louder than before, to bring their attention. Luckily it did, they turned around at the noise and saw you. You cleared your throat, "Hi... um ... do you think you could make a sheath for my staff? Or maybe a short scabbard?" You requested and held out your staff, offering it to them. "Here, I'm letting you borrow my staff for reference its measurements." They gently took your staff from your offered hand and nodded. You smiled at them and thanked them, leaving the shed and closing the door behind you.

You look at the scenery of nature in front of you from the top of the hill, taking a breathe in the fresh air, then you breathe out a sigh.

'The view of the sunset from here is really gorgeous.'

You thought as you decided that it would be nice to walk around the forest below, taking a good look at mother nature. You began walking down the hill and began to mindlessly stroll around the forest, not too far from the headquarters.

You were in a euphoric state as you walked through the forest. Woodland creatures passing by, you gushed at their cuteness and amazed at the unique ones. You then investigate the unknown plants, with extra caution; of course, you were mesmerized by the different bearings of the plants.

You smiled to yourself, knowing that this new life was going to be more than what you had expected. You didn't realize that the sun has already set and night has engulfed the rest of the sky. Luckily, the sky is clear from clouds, and the moon is shining brightly, so you have no major problem in seeing in the dark.

You saw the light from the corner of your eye. You avert your direction to the source and maybe follow it out of curiosity.

"Papa? Papa, are you there?"

'That sounds like...'

You followed the voice and the light even further. You saw Red Shoes holding a lantern. You quickly ran to her side and tapped on her shoulder. She flinched, clearly scared out but calmed down when your face shone in the light of her lantern.

You muttered a sorry, "What are you doing here?" Red asked, checking if you got hurt or had a scratch. "I was going to ask the same thing, but I'm just wandering around the forest, taking in the wonders of the outside, you know." You answered, and she sighed in relief. "I thought I saw my father. I saw his silhouette earlier, and maybe he's not gone that far."

You feel goosebumps rise on the back of your neck, and see Red Shoes looking terrified at something behind you. You turned around and see a giant bunny. You get to your stance and reached for your satchel. Only to realize that you staff is in the hands of the triplets.

'Damn it.'

You quickly grabbed Red's wrist and ran, Red Shoes dropped the lantern in the process. You grip her wrist gently and continue running to lose the following bunny. You stopped by the giant tree, nowhere to run. As the bunny gets closer, you both back away till your and Red's backs are in the massive trunk of a tree.

'This wouldn't have happened if I hadn't forgotten my staff with me.'

"Nice bunny" You tried to calm and reason with it. "Please be a vegan bunny. Please be a vegan bunny." You never knew bunnies could be this scary in the dark. Suddenly sparks of blue lightning hit the bunny, and the light is too bright, causing you to close your eyes and feel someone hold out your other hand.


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