Chapter 16

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A/N: pls don't play the music yet

You loudly hear your heart beating fast, completely not hearing the other sounds, only your beating heart. "Surrender, monsters!" You heard Average. You shook your head to bring your focus back on. "No, wait." You pleaded as you stood up, ready to take out your staff, but Merlin stopped you.

You looked at his hazel brown eyes and watched him move in front of you, and Red, the other six, followed suit. It gave you heroic vibes. Average raised an eyebrow when Merlin took a step back to where the cannonball landed. You, too, grew in confusion.

Merlin casually carries the cannonball and throws it, and Average cowers in fear as he thinks he will get hit. You watched the cannonball slowly move forwards when he threw it. How very anticlimactic. The eight all looked at him in confusion, and all Merlin did was shrugged his shoulders.

The wooden walls of the castle began to crack and shake until they slowly fell. Merlin kicked the door open, "Everyone gets inside! And hurry!" He shouted. You all sprinted and jumped inside as the facade fell.

Unfortunately, Average survived by the cut-out window. He shook his hands in anger. "You messed with the wrong prince." He sneered, "There is nothing average about Av-vou-rouge. I. SHALL. RETURN... on Tuesday. No, wait. I'll check my calendar... Thursday, I shall return Thursday!" He declared as he ran away. Victory cheers erupted from you, seeing the prince cower.

"We'll be ready."

"And waiting."


"Ciao for now!"


"You just got dwarfed! Is that better? I think Merlined is better." You heard the wizard next to you say. You laugh at this and playfully punch him in the arm. You saw Red Shoes sweep Arthur up and hug him, leaving you startled. After her giggles, she looked at the other dwarves below. They were raising their hands to her, wanting to get hugged. You looked at Merlin, seeing him do the same to Red, and you sighed.

'I forgot about their curse.'


[Play the music]

That night after the battle, Merlin invited you to hang out with him in the storage room. The first few minutes are awkward greetings and silence until Merlin breaks the ice. After that, it turned into random things to talk about, making you two laugh and now enjoy each other's company.

"You should have seen the look on his big ugly face when the bunny came running at him." Both laughed when he told you how he threw the carrot to the guard, and the bunny crushed him. But you suddenly realized something about the wizard, "So that's how you see everything, isn't it?" You asked him in a slightly sad tone.

"With my eyes?" He responded, dumbfounded. You sighed and took a deep breath, "You always talk about what someone looks like on the outside." You made eye contact with him as you brought your knees up to your chest.

"I do? I wouldn't say that." He doubted your observation of him, never admitted it. "But I can't wait for you to see the real me." You raised an eyebrow at him, confused about what he meant. "And why's that?"

"You might not believe it, but the real me is famous, handsome, and even popular." He tried to push his hair back suavely but failed. "Not short, stumpy, and green." He said as he disgustingly looked at his chubby green fingers and sulk.

You laugh at his cute sulking face, "It's true, you're short, stumpy, and green, but you're also a wonderful and charming person." You confessed to him, and that came entirely from your heart.

But the oblivious dwarf shook his head, "I'm not explaining it right. If you saw the real me, you'd know exactly what I mean." You shook your head at his dense response.

'Does that confession did not hit him?'

"What do you mean by that? I like you, just the way you are." You confessed again with genuine eyes. Hopefully, this time he gets it. But the wizard awkwardly laughs it out, and he gets the idea but is afraid that he misunderstands the concept and thinks of him as a friend.

"Here, close your eyes and imagine the real me. I guarantee you. It'll be different." You followed his instruction and closed your eyes. The problem is you don't know what the real Merlin looked like considering you turned into a quill a year ago and not to mention that you were isolated in the castle before.

Surprising to you, you feel that there's something weird next to you. Like a taller figure next to you, getting closer. "I do feel something different..." You said to him, "Really?" As he got closer to your face, you heard him ask, "But eyes opened or closed, to me, you're still Merlin. Now tell me, who am I to you?" You doubt yourself, wanting to see if your and Merlin's feelings are mutual. Merlin got even closer till your lips were inches apart, but you didn't feel it.

"You're a gift. A gift that will transform me into someone amazing, just like you're amazing." You heard his response as you felt hot air brushing across your cheeks. You listened to the loud thumps of your heart again and felt butterflies in your stomach.

'This guy will be my death if I don't do something.'

You suddenly realized something; about their curse and the need for Red to kiss them, break it and turn into their usual selves. The thought of you and Merlin may not be meant to be together. Leaving you heartbroken, you sadly opened your eyes. And saw the dwarf's face close to yours, you leaned your head away from his and coughed.

"I think I should leave," You declared as you quickly stood up, but Merlin grabbed your hand, stopping you from leaving. "Is it because of me?" He abruptly asked, and you shook your head, "No, it's getting late. I'm tired." You lied.

'Of course, it's because of you.'


You twist and turn on your bed, finding a good spot to sleep. You kept thinking of your promise not to intervene when it comes to Red and doubting if Merlin liked you back. All of these confusion and guilt trips are making your head hurt.

'I should not intervene. I should not intervene. I should not intervene...'

You kept chanting this line repeatedly, reminding yourself of your promise, even if it hurts you in the end. The topic quickly switched to Red Shoes. How can she be so beautiful that guys would bow down to her just to get her?

You begin to self-doubt again, thinking you are not as beautiful as them as what people believe princesses are. You were never the type to grow anxious about your body or face, but experiencing these things around you makes you feel... so tiny and maybe useless. And ugly. So very ugly.

You inhaled deeply and exhaled, calming your nerves. You twist to the other side and finally find a good spot to sleep, completely forgetting your negative thoughts and sleeping deeply.

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