Why him

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( this is my first book so sorry if it's bad )

I was walking in to work today (in an office that sells vanoss merchandise sorry I had nothing else) and I see him!! His soft face, and beautiful blue and green eyes and and-
"Helloo! Nogla? Are ye there?" Brian asked, waving his hand in front of my face.
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't see ye there Brian"
" I was right in fount of ye" He stated, a blank annoyed stare on his face. 
" I -uh sorry I - dozed off for eh sec" I tried to explain.
"It's okay Nogla, but we have things to do ye can't just stand around dozing off like that" Brian said " anyways ye have thirty tree papers to go though so get to work Nogla." 
I quickly ran to my work Station and got to work. Brian is my boss so I have to listen to him, I mean who wouldn't, he gorgeous and so dominant he honestly owns us and I can't say that I don't want him to. 
" Hey Nogla you okay" Brock said
" oh yay I'm fine thank you for asking what do you need" I asked
" I mean I know what you ;) but any ways I need those thirty three papers you have I need to get them stamped that will give you some time to Brian" Brock said with a wink
"Wa-what are ye talking about ye idiot" I said as blush covered my face
" HAHAHAHAHA I was just kidding haha but go ahead if you really want to" Brock said as he grabbed the papers off my desktop
And then all of a sudden the speakers came on and we herd 
" Nogla can ye come to my office for a sec"  Brian said over the intercom
And at that moment I freaked out but walked to his office.

Brian's POV
I was talking to Jonathan when Nogla walked in to the lobby. At first he just stood there and then his face lit up pink and it coughed me off guard after a while I got aggravated so I walked over to wave my head in his face and said " Helloo! Nogla are ye there"
He looked at me for a sec and then said  " Oh I'm sorry I Didn't see ye there Brian"
I looked at him dumb founded and said " I was right in fount of ye" I stated, whit a blank annoyed look on my face
" I - uh sorry I - dozed off for eh sec" he explained
I wonder what made him doze off " It's okay Nogla, but we have things to do ye can't just stand around dozing off like that " I explained with Annoyance in my tone " anyways ye have thirty tree papers to go though so get to work Nogla"
And with that he bolted towards his desk. I was confused at first way he would doze off like that but then I thought about how cute he looked when he blushed like that , and with that thought I bolted to my own desk scared of what the other employees could see in till I bumped it to Brock he looked at my lower regions and I blushed
" don't say a thing or your Fired" I yelled and he laughed
" I saw who you were talking to hehe if you give me a raise then I won't tell him okay" Brock said and smirked.
And with that we shook hands and walked away form each other 
I walked into my office and sat down still blushing. At that moment my hand wandered dangerous places but I coughed myself before it got to far down I settle down I could do to get my little problem to go away. So I thought to my self and then got an idea what if I get the thing that caused the problem in the first place and see he's not as cute as I see him aha and in a brief moment I had the mic in my hand.
" Nogla can ye come to my office for a sec"
And with that I waited for him to arrive at my office door .
"Knock, knock."

Just all of us  ( BBS and dream team) smuts, one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now