I love you

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Brian POV
When we got to the beach Nogla immediately put down the towels and the Umbrella and continued to put on sunscreen while I was walking to rent a boat actually to rent a jetSki for us. While I was renting it I started to daydreaming about where Nogla would put his hands on me when a random girl put her hands on my waist.
I flinched and tarred her off of me
" I'm sorry but please don't touch me I'm not interested in ye" Brian said pissed
" oh come on baby come to my please with that accent of yours then you can give me a real ride " she said
Brian was getting mad so he looked over and saw Nogla charging over to us he looked pissed when he got to us he put his arms around my neck and snuggled his head into the crotch of my shoulder
" sorry ma'am but he's taken so please walk away" Nogla said pissed off
She looked at us with disgust in her eyes and fury but then walked away. I went back to renting the jetski, nogla still on my shoulder I really didn't mind him being there in till he started to slowly lick my neck and suck softly that I pushed him off we can do that later anyways.

I loved that Brian rented a jetSki for us and when it was time to ride I wrapped my arms around his waist and chest and held on tight he smiled when I did this and he went faster.
After the ride we made a sand castles and then ate till it was 9:00 and the sun was going down Brian rested his arm around my shoulders and cuddled in to me we sat like that till the sun was no were to be seen.
We went to a tiki bar and got really drunk we ended up singing in the bar and buying a motorcycle. We drove all the way up a mountain to go to a party that was going on and we danced for hours
I felt like we were getting closer by the second.
We were singing when all of a sudden Brian go about one inch for my face and song with me I was red red and falling for him he wrapped his arms around my neck and danced with me I put my hands on his waist as we swayed back and forth we were making eye contact the whole time his icy blues meeting my dark browns we got so close inches away when the song ended we parted and went back to the motorcycle and drove home the ride was long and the whole time I was creasing his chest and biceps he just smiled and I looked over his shoulder placing my head on his shoulder I really do love you


When we got home we picked out a movie and sat down on the couch cuddling under a blanket.
"Brian I need you to know to night was awesome and I love spending time with you" I said as I put my head deeper Toto his shoulder
" Good, I'm glad I make you happy I mean that's all I really want to do" with that Nogla was as red as a tomato Brian lifted Noglas head and leaned in to his neck and lick and suck on his neck slowly making Nogla moan Brian unbuttoned noglas shirt to get to Noglas collar bone and slowly sucked on it Nogla was enjoying all of it the sucking, licking and the attention he was reserving. Brian started to suck on the perfect spot that made Nogla go wild but Brian stoped and Nogla whimpered at the lose of pleasure but Brian come really close to his ear and whispered
" these are so all the girls out there know your mine honey" he moved away pulling Nogla on to his chest as they laded there nogla thought about what Brian said and went to his neck and sucked and bite down in the same spot and then laid back down.
" what was that for" brain asked
" the same as yours ;)" nogla said and laid back down and fell fast asleep with Brian under him sound asleep.

Just all of us  ( BBS and dream team) smuts, one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now