Your mine

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The next day
Noglas POV
I'm scared of what he said yesterday, I've been blushing all morning but he's not acting as weird as I am he's Perfectly fine I mean hell last night was so weird but h-hot oh god what is wrong with me.
" I'm so weird" I whispered as I took a drink from my water.
" now what makes ye say that, I think ye adorable" Brian says out of nowhere as I spit my drink out all over my jeans
" Damn it" I yell I quickly get up and walk to my room as Brian fallows me there. I walk in and take of my jeans only to be meet with Brian's hands on my crotch I look behind me to be meet with Brian's eyes.
" Ye thought I forgot didn't ye, well it did seem like ye wanted more from me so why ye surprised" Brian seductively said as he palmed me through my boxers I leaned against my dresser as he push harder me being me tried my hardest not to moan but I couldn't help it. He started to push me against the dresser and grind against me I was a moaning mess. He slowly pulled off my shirt and took off his. He started fiddling with his belt when he got it off he started pulling his pants down he got them off and pulled me to the bed he pushed me on to the bed and straddled me to the bed I was still moaning as he rubbed my bulge he put his hands at the rim of my hands and slowly slide them off he's in grab my boxers and do the same as he grabbed my dick he put it in his mouth and slowly sucked it I was a mess as he lick up and down my shaft and then took it whole. He bobbed his hard up and down. After a while I started to thrust in to his mouth surprisingly he didn't gag he moaned against my cock sending vibrations through my body after awhile he stoped and got up off the bed he walked to up to he's suitcase and opened it to reveal a shit load of ropes, cuffs, and condoms I looked at Him shocked he turned around and looked at me with a big smirk on his face he then grabbed the ropes and tied my hands together and then tide them to the metal frame of my bed he ended up tying both of my feet to the frame as well he slowly slid to fingers in to my mouth and demanded me to suck I did as I was in slow slipped my tongue in between his fingers I got them nice and moist before he pulled them out and slid them in to my hole I moaned as he moved them slowly in and out. he curled them  as he did so and i moaned at all the pleasure he pulled out and I whimpered at the loss of pleasure but soon it was replaced by his throbbing cock ( I'm so sorry I cringed just writing that) he pushed it all the way in and then slowly moved out.
" focking go faster mate" I said in between moans. all of a sudden Brian stopped he then pulled out and then glared at me  I froze in fear of what was to come next
" we're going to have to fix your potty mouth before We can continue" he said he then went up to the door and stood by it he's in turned around and said " if you beg I'll continue but if you don't I'll leave you tied up here for another hour and let that problem if yours sit for a little" i was horrifyingly turn on by that but as much as I hated begging I had to do it I was too hard to go back.
" please... please fu- please fuck me Brian" I was flustered but he walked backed up to me and put he's dick back In me I was moaning and he was enjoying ever sound he started going faster and harder I was screaming at how hard he was until he hit the spot and no shit I was screaming out of pleasure and I was in total bliss when he abuses that spot that so close to my edge " I'm c- Close" I moaned " me t-to" I came when he hit my spot one more time and as his thrust got sloppier he came minutes after I did he plopped down next to me panting for all exercise he just got I was looking in to his I eyes when he said the One thing I wish he said years ago.

" your mine"

Sorry for the way I was really not motivated to make this chapter I think it came out really well and I'm really happy that some people actually like it I'm not really tired it's 1 AM in the morning and I'm so tired I just wrote this entire chapter good night or good morning I hope you liked the chapter <3

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