Rape Me

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A/N: WARNING THIS CHAPTER IS NOT FOR YOUNG KIDS. The concept of rape is horrible and disgusting, and it is used in this chapter. Please do not read if you are sensitive to these types of things.....

*Ant's POV*

I woke up to Dec holding me, I felt so safe. I knew he wouldn't let anything happen to me, at least while he is around...


"Oo, hey pretty boy, looks like you and that blond doll over there are something, eh?" He motioned to the blond girl that wanted to be my girlfriend over at the juke box.

"No, she is a slag." I said while I was drinking my beer

"You got a name, pretty boy?" He eyed me like I was an expensive car.

"Ant, and I'm trying to drink alone. Piss off" I spat bitterly as he laughed at me.

"Hey! Get this pretty boy another drink, on me." He smiled as my drink came. I wasn't done with my pint yet, so I held off..

Once I was done with the pint I had already, I went to drink the one the older man bought for me. He was still staring at me like eye candy, I don't know why...

Next thing I knew, I heard "I'm gonna have some fun with you, my pretty boy." Then I blacked out.

When I woke up I could feel my clothes roughly being taken off of me like I wasn't even a human, like I was a toy. Automatically, I screamed. Bad idea. I had a gun to my head and the older man at the pub was undressing himself as I saw the other man who had the gun to my head, counting cash. I was still intoxicated, but not stupid.

"Hey, look who's up. My pretty boy, we are gonna have some fun tonight. I will make you scream and beg for more, pretty boy" he smirked as he was undressed. He was a fat tub of lard.

"I will be screaming, but for help. I don't know who would fuck you in a million years" I spat sourly, not caring what will happen.

"Oh, if pretty boy doesn't do it, I will do it myself." He grinned evily as the air in my lungs were gone. Was he gonna force himself on me?

Just as I thought that, he grabbed me and tied me to a bed. All I could feel was him turning over and shoving his cock right into my ass. No lube, just dry. It hurt so badly, that I had to clench my eyes so tears didn't come over flowing.

"Yeah, pretty boy, moan for me." I cried help instead, bad idea. The next thing I feel is him pull out of me, and put the gun to my head again.

After that, I kept saying "no" but when I did, he got more violent. Then he told me if I obey him and do what he says, I will be able to go home that night. I had no choice.

I got untied and I couldn't walk, so I crawled to my clothes and put them on. Another man came up to me and flashed a bright light in my face and then I was home.

End of flashback:

I shivered which made Dec wake up. I just sat there shaking in his arms as everything to that night came back to me. I saw Dec getting scared as I was shaking.

When I finally got done shaking, Dec wanted to know what the nightmare was about.... I can't tell him that at the pup, I got drugged and then raped. How stupid would I look? That man needs to be in prison, he raped me!

"Ant, please tell me what the dream was about." Dec said cautiously, careful not to scare me away.

"I know what happened to me on Friday night.." I whispered so quietly, it was barely audible.

"Oh god! Ant, what happened!?" He sat up, eager to know... I was going to tell him, but the embarrassment of being used in any way is awful. I couldn't tell him.

"It's not for you to know, Decs" I said, cuddling into him. I could tell he was hurt, but he didn't pressure me into anything.

"You know I love you, and you can tell me anything. Good, bad, ugly. Right?" Dec spoke softly, still trying to get information out of me, not because he was a pusher. I know it was because he was scared, confused, and hurt.

"I know you love me, I love you too. And I do also know that I can tell you anything. But like I said 'it's not for you to know.' I will tell you when the time is right, I just still haven't quite comprehended it myself yet. When the time is right, I will tell you everything. I promise." He still looked off, but he was more relaxed now.

A/N: Sorry this was very heavy. I didn't check over this once, just wrote it, and will post it. It hurts me to read what happens to Ant. I hope you guys now understand the title and what happened that night a little bit better....It's not as good as it could be because I rushed it thank you guys for reading my garbage. Love you fools <3

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