The Successor of Kibutsuji Muzan II

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When daylight eventually kiss the mountain's summit, Akira would finally be safe from the demon king's wrath, but a full 11 hours has stood fast against the sun's pathway and time had always loved to slow itself down whenever the situation was dire.

Here, we see Muzan still covering both his ears with great effort, yet he fails to block out the horrid noise that continually intrudes. He dropped heavily down to only one knee and trashed his head furiously in irritation, but it only got worse from there.

The level of pain Muzan is experiencing was like no other he had gone through before — it was like a divine punishment for all the sins he had committed in earlier times, but lucky for him, it finally paused. "You wretched being! When I lay my hands on you, I wi—"

The demon king did not get a chance to finish his sentence for it started acting up again.

No, I can't! I can't take this no longer! Muzan thought.

And so, due to his immense agony, he started clawing his ears out. He sliced off one side, then the other, but to no avail did his desperate attempt for freedom against the mysterious force's clutches work. He was like a demon walking through hell barefooted for the very first time.

There was no end, no escape, and no pity given to him by anyone at the moment until a faint lullaby protruded — it was sweet, calming, and warm. It halted the pain Muzan was dealing with and lightened his overall feeling. He felt at ease.

He looked up to a blurry image of a lady sweeping towards the brain dead Akira and picked him up gently with her arms supporting his back and legs in front of her own body.

"You! Were you the cause of my suffering?" He stood and steadied himself with the help of a tree trunk.

"The penalty for doing so shall be your life, give it to me!" He roared out in anger and got out his long, bloody claw-like nails.

But just as Muzan was getting ready to strike at his newfound foe, she turned around and stopped projecting her humming sounds. Due to the sudden and abrupt action, the mysterious and murderous ringing sound from earlier made it's way back in the demon king's hearing vicinity much to his dismay.

He once more returned to his previous hurting position with one knee downed conjoining against the red snow and both arms walling the side of his pale face that owned no lugs. Muzan wailed to no end and begged for her to stop.

"Kibutsuji Muzan." She spoke, though he could barely make out what the lady was saying. "I pity you and your whole existence."

"And just who exactly are you to say that?" He barely managed ask.

"I am the wife of the man whom you just beheaded and the mother of this boy whom you exposed to your horrid poison."

"Lies!" He shouted. "You were supposed to be dead, killed by my faithful followers."

"Yes, unfortunately, I am indeed dead." She assured Muzan suspicions. "I was killed many years ago, but I stayed to guard my precious family."

Stayed? What do you mean you stayed? How is that possible? Muzan dwelled heavily on her words.

The woman looked vividly at her husband's corpse and uttered these silent words: "Rest easy, dear, I shall lead our son away from this demon."

And in a sudden and eye-opening manner, both Tokimune's lifeless body and severed head were sent ablaze. The fire grew wild and spiralled out of control, burning down the greens surrounding them along with Akira's wooden family house.

Only mere seconds have ticked, yet the mountain peak has already rivalled the everlasting sun's bright glow.

"As for you, you filthy demon." Tokimune's wife, Amaterasu, voiced herself louder and with more authority towards the wounded demon king. "I will let you go free in a moment for nothing within the range of my capabilities as a spirit could end your life, but know this.."

He looked on angrily while in pain, his vision still clouded and body weakened heavily.

"One day, whether it be by the hands of my child here or of other's, that slayer's cold steel blade will inevitably succumb you to your grave." She prophesies.

"But until then, I pray that no more living being continue to suffer for your deeds." Amaterasu turned around swiftly and walked away from the scene into the burning woods while carrying her beloved son, Akira.

"Don't you dare turn your back on me, you witch!" Muzan yelled desperately, but to no avail did his actions cause the woman to stop her trudging feet.

She carried on, gaining more and more distance away from the screaming man before finally disappearing beyond Muzan's field of vision. And taking along with her, the high-pitched sound torturing him.

He was left alone finally, with his thoughts and sanity thankfully stable — who knows how much more pain he could take. He wobbly walked away as well, but in the complete opposite direction of which the Hojo family took.

Surely, he wish not to face them again. Or at least, not in his current state. He knew he was badly injured and that fighting in that condition is pointless and stupid. He couldn't even heal properly due to whatever Amaterasu did. It would just be suicide to try attacking them now.

"Hojo Akira." The demon king thoroughly embedded the boy's name deep within the back of his mind. "Someday, if you're still alive by then, I swear to be the one who ends your family lineage!"

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