"You'll miss the best things if you keep your eyes shut." - Dr. Seuss
Chapter 3:
A loud knock on his door woke Jun Pyo up from his deep slumber. He tried ignoring it, but the knocking would not stop.
Annoyed, he got up, shuffled half-asleep to the door and looked through the keyhole.
He groaned.
"Go away," he said, then turned to head back to his room.
"Are you still asleep? The day is half over!" A cheery voice called out from the other side.
Just as he reached his bedroom door, the front door opened.
He turned around, scowling. "If you knew my passcode and were going to use it anyway, why the heck did you even knock? You woke me up!"
Jae Kyung flashed her pearly whites at him. "Exactly."
"I should really change my passcode," he muttered, loud enough for her to hear.
"You said that six months ago."
"Well, this time I'm really going to do it!"
"Of course you are," she said, sounding unconvinced.
"Aish," Jun Pyo started walking towards the kitchen. He grabbed a bottle of water from his fridge and plopped himself on the couch. He twisted the cap open and took several big gulps. Crossing his arms in front of him, he narrowed his eyes at her. "This better be important."
Jae Kyung sat across from him, unbothered by his attitude. "What if I just came over to say hi?" She was used to him being like this.
He glared at her. "You better not have woken me up for nothing!"
"You sleep every day! You only see me a few times a week."
"I like sleep. You, not so much." He stood up. "If that's all, I'm going back to bed."
He passed by his hallway mirror and saw his hair sticking out in every direction. He quickly ran a hand through it, but his hair was unruly and stubborn – just like him.
Jae Kyung sat on the couch quietly observing him.
He yawned, and started walking towards his room. "Lock the door when you leave."
He was almost to his bed when she called out: "I'm flying to Korea in three days."
This stopped him on his tracks. He turned around, and found her standing in the hallway, hands on her hips, long hair tied back in a ponytail, looking very bossy.
"Is that all?" He said, feigning indifference. "Have a good trip." He knew why she was going, but he wasn't about to take the bait.
"I'll be there for 2 weeks." Jae Kyung continued, without missing a beat.
Jun Pyo sighed in frustration. "What's that got to do with me?"
"Don't you think it's time you went for a visit?" Jae Kyung walked slowly towards him.
"Ha." He snorted. "And what, do tell, would I do about work? All my meetings..."
"Gu Jun Pyo, you're on forced leave for three weeks." She smirked. "That's why you've been sleeping all day the last few days."
Gu Jun Pyo scowled at her. "You're way too nosy for your own good."
He'd been forced to take a leave of absence for three weeks as he'd been working non-stop and was driving everyone nuts.

Boys Over Flowers: How It Should Have Ended Part3 (The Return)
FanfictionJun Pyo is back in Seoul and is finally ready to face Jan Di after she chose to be with Ji Hoo. Are they ready to face each other? Part3 of my "How It Should Have Ended" (HISHE) short story series. If this is your first time reading my work, please...