Baby momma🤦🏽‍♀️❤️

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Alexus POV

I was cooking some rice and beans with chicken for my 3 year old daughter Jamie'Lynn

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I was cooking some rice and beans with chicken for my 3 year old daughter Jamie'Lynn. She is so damn cute,unbelievable how adorable she is. It was 4:3o and Jamie was going to Mattias house. Yep me and that low life piece of shit ain't together. He left me when Jamie was 9 months and never showed. So I played both parts of parenting and this shit head showed up when Jamie was 1 to be in her life. Yea I let him,but we had rules.
1. Don't bring her to anyone's house without my permission or notice.
2. Feed her when yo greedy ass is eating.
3. Don't buy ya self shit and not Jamie'Lynn.
4. When it comes to Jamie always put her before yo hoe ass girlfriends.
And last but not fucking least.......
5. Never. Bring. My. Kid. Near drinks sharp objects, AND ESPECIALLY ALIA!!!
Alia was his new bitch. He agreed to not bring Jamie'Lynn near her, but he don't listen. One time Jamie'Lynn came home from spending time with him and she told me they had sex on the kitchen counter...while Jamie'Lynn was sitting on the couch. And he brings Jamie to alia'a house to spend time with Chloe,Alia daughter. Chloe and Jamie got into it once(wasn't like fighting they were arguing and...Jamie kinda mentioned how Alia was a hoe and never kept her legs closed) which my daughter ain't lie.
I should have never told her that,dammit Alexus big mouth much?! And when she saw Chloe the day she went with mattia Chloe told Jamie that I emphasis on the I was pregnant by Alia ex boyfriend J.D, yea he was cute but his people say his pull-out game is trash. I mean he gets hard for the littlest things. Like a girl with no ass no meat*cough cough* Alia, he would get hard. "Mommy is daddy coming"? Jamie asked. I nodded as I gave her her plate with food.

She is the best daughter a mommy can ask for

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She is the best daughter a mommy can ask for. She ate in her high chair and yelled "mommy I'm done can I watch Sophia the first"?! "Yes mamas you can lemme just take you out the High chair". I said smiling softly. I took her out and put Sophia the first on. "I was a girl in a village doing alright,then I became a princess overnight. Now I gotta figure out how to do it right,so much to learn and see". Me and Jamie sung together. I texted mattia telling him Jamie was ready and he can come to get her.
Dino baby daddy🤦🏽‍♀️💗
Alexus/baby ma- Jamie is ready and waiting for you so you ca come over and pick her up I got her clothes all ready.
Dino baby daddy🤦🏽‍♀️💗- Alright I'm coming right now and imma bring Alia and Chloe.
~Alexus thoughts~ see rule number 5. Broken again
Alexus/baby ma- omg didn't I tell you stop bringing my damn daughter around ya bitch ass girlfriend and her daughter, like is u dumb?!
Dino baby daddy🤦🏽‍♀️💗- Alexus chill tf out alright,wtf.
This bitch. I was eating my food watching 365 days and decided to do my makeup(I was going out with some friends). I worked with some make up gurus like Nikita dragon,James Charles,patrick star,etc. So girl I knew what I was gonna do.
49 minutes later

-𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬📌✨Where stories live. Discover now