Friends with benefits pt 2🙆🏼‍♀️💞!!

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Melody's POV🙆🏼‍♀️💞!!
I heard the rumors that Mia told the school she fucked mattia then mentioned my name in it. Hell no not happening. No hoe is gonna steal my friend fuck him then talk shit bout me. I'm whooping ass. I walked to where Mattia,Ale,and Kai were. I seen Mia telling mattia I will squish her like a pancake and she just running her mouth. "Hey treesh?! You done talking and ready to throw hands or are u gonna cry me a River?!" I said walking up to her. "Oh heyy girl you look so pretty wanna h-(gets cut off by Melody punching her). I kept punching her and dragging her. Till Mattia broke it up.

After school since I'm type lazy!!

I was in my house with my mom and her annoying ass boyfriend. All I heard were him and her bitching and moaning about how i talk about him and how I talk to my mother. Bitch,the way i talk to them compared to the way they talk to me is wayyyy different. I was in my room when I heard her boyfriend saying that he would kick me out of this house. Hell no. I opened my door and rushed downstairs. "So you talking shit nigga,you all big and bad now?!" I asked him yelling. He looked at my mom than sucked his teeth. "You don't pay a damn bill in this house and you wanna try and throw me out?! Got me fucked up. Your ass is leaving this house and If u don't Im calling my uncle and his friends on your ass and your gonna get your ass whooped." I said throwing my mom and his pictures on the floor.

"Melody go get your stuff your moving out the house." My mom said looking down. "I hope you drop fucking dead." I said to him and her. I wanted to punch the shit out of my mom so I did. I straight punched her right in her mouth and she was bleeding. "YOU ARE CRAZY." She shouted while crying. "I'm my mother's daughter." I said laughing. "Oh and I just called uncle Bryan and his friends they on there way so get to moving. I ran upstairs got my clothes and put it in my two duffel bags and skipped out of the house. Ou pretty car of his. I'm taking it.

Mattia POV

I was in my house with Ale,Kairi,Robert,And like 4 girls. I missed Melody. I missed her a lot. Some random girl came up to me and kissed me. Who child is this?! "Ale who dis is?!" I said jumping up mad confuse. "Damn Mattia you don't remember me?! I'm the girl from the party and we had sex in the bathroom. It's me Aliyah sister nana." She said. Oh she the treeshes sister. "I really don't care ur pussy old news." I said rolling my eyes then got a notification from Melody. I read it saying she is coming over to the house and she is on her way. "FUCK YES." I shouted. They all looked at me confused. "MELODY IS ON HER WAY GUYS." I yelled.

"Omg daddy chill." Kairi said in a white girl tone. I looked at him and laughed. This boy is always goofing around but that's olaf for sure.

Back to Melody POV

I took a picture of myself in the car then sent it to Mattia to tell him I was in front of the house.
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I sent it to him and walked out the car

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I sent it to him and walked out the car. Took my bags out and walked to the front of his door. Kairi opened it and almost yelled like a bitch. I quickly shushed him and walked inside. "He's upstairs in his room wit some girl who won't leave him alone for 3 seconds." He said. I laughed. I placed my bags under his kitchen counters. His mom and dad left to Italy for a month so he stays home by himself with Kairi and ale. I hid in the kitchen closet while Kairi went to get Mattia.

-𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬📌✨Where stories live. Discover now