To My Grandfather:

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Grandpa. You're loud. You snore loud, you eat loud, you exist loud.

But I know it's always because you're excited and that you just care a lot and have no other way that shouting at me when you taught me to drive!

You always look out for me. Whether its moving out, or buying a car, or settling down with somebody, or watching my weight. You've always been there for me.

You dropped me off at the emergency room that night while I sobbed in the passenger seat. You just wanted me safe.

We were sitting at the table and you warned me about how Grandma isn't meaning to hurt my feelings, she just wanted me at a healthy weight. And to not have knees that gave out like yours do.

Mom always used to use you as an example. A poor one at that. She would always say "you don't want to end up like Grandpa, do you?"

I would always feel horrible. Nothing is worse than your daughter using you as a fat example. You've lost weight and you're doing amazing. Now you're an inspiration to me.

I know our politics don't always line up but they're closer than we think! I'm glad we're at a point now that we can talk about these sorts of things without me taking it personally or you being overly passionate and yelling.

Thank you again. I'm grateful that you've been adopted into our crazy family and that you and Grandma are enjoying your retirement!

I hope to see you in a finishing boat in the sky when you do pass. I hope you and Grandma will be smiling down on me one day with God at your side.

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