Chapter 1

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Well great, today is my 124th birthday and no one is here. I'm all alone, in this luxurious, red velvet cushioned coffin with its jeweled lid discarded somewhere to the side, and my small, dark violet cake. The heavenly aroma of the cake penetrated my nose making me go into a state of starvation, and wonder at how long it has been since I've had had a bite of the delicious, mouthwatering, sweet confectionary of the heavens. Well, the main reason for this was that I wanted to save up money, but I guess I could treat myself on my birthday and have a tiny celebration of victory. The victory being that I'm alive. After all that hardship and pain, I'm still in one piece, neither with a sword or stake through my heart, because I didn't have a reflection in the mirror.

I could probably fight the people off and run away again but, who am I kidding, I am a Vamizon. My mum was an amazon, a warrior from an unknown land, fearless, and beautiful and my dad was a vampire, blood sucking but timid creatures that are often misunderstood. Unfortunately, they are dead at the hands of their own kind because... because of me. Rumors about me being notorious and unwanted half-blood in the midst of the hiders and haters had really spread like wildfire in all the lands. My life devastated, I had to flee to another world, Earth, the 'land of opportunity and freedom'.

In my pitiful, loner state I guess I could call Mira, but... my house isn't really the prettiest. It's a cave for crying out loud! What can you do in this prison other than sleep and have a one on one conversation with yourself? I could have had a talk with the bats if they hadn't rejected me the moment, they knew who I was, and yes, I'm not exaggerating when I say this. I'm actually 124 years old but that's too many candles to fit on the cake so, I bought the numbers instead, helping me to save some money too.

Today is a Sunday, which means I'm going to have to go to school tomorrow and, let me tell you this, I am not thrilled. The prospects of walking through the doors of the high school and starting another week of bored devastation, topped off with a side of fatigue just sends shivers through my spine. Oh, and don't get me started on how much I DON'T, want to see Julia's cursed face again. Thankfully, I have my one and only friend in this cursed world to be my support, my hope when school becomes a place full of tears. She's one of those people that knows how a high school can be a scary haunted house. Too much work and not enough time is only one of the causes of this concoction built, for the inevitable disaster. Sometimes the teachers seem to be doing it on purpose, so they can conduct their own weird experiment. Now, me being the nocturnal being I am, can't understand a word they say in the morning, but when the moon shines bright, so does my mind.

Curse my life if you can. It's already too cursed to be any worse. Even so, I try to 'fit in' but when you've been kicked out of society twice, because of you being your parents mistake, then that fear always lingers deep inside somewhere, killing you from the inside, slowly, agonizingly. I still wonder what crossed my mind when I thought of going to a 'normal' school for my education, but what can you do when your luck is so bad that you got into the most normal school in the world. Like, if you go to my school it would seem that all the clichés are hanging out in there and making me feel worse about my life.

First of all, that place is a literal mansion! Its only half the size of the royal residence of Transylvania, which goes as high as the phoenixes fly, because guess what, they helped make it. The vamps built the castle as a necessity to flaunt they're riches, but they ended up going all out when they were planning the thing. The spoilt students do the same, but then look at me, I live in a cave with a door living room and kitchen since I sleep in a coffin. See! I use the least amount of money too, so my budget easily comes under my income, which I get from a shady part time job at a conspicuously, shady restaurant with the costumers creating the loudest noises to exist! It's easy to get fed up and leave but I've handled worse, and for all the pain they cause, they have a comparatively good pay than the other places I've tried.

Speaking of worse, I need to go to sleep, or the next day I won't have enough energy to bluff about me listening to anything my teacher is saying in one of their 'important' lectures, and for someone like me who is part vampire that has lived for 124 years, I end up with being 'taught' (more liked revised) things I've already learnt 5 decades ago! But, to make a good impression and to prove that I have some Amazonian blood in me, I record the lectures and play them as I sleep so it seems like I know what I'm doing the next day. The lectures are so boring, so they help me fall asleep and, help me memorize the material along with some important details that could be useful in the long run.

Thinking became an even more difficult task as sleep tugged at my eyes and contemplations soon began to die off, resulting in me falling into a deep slumber.

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