Part 1: Off we go

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Author's note: I want to dedicate this short story to everyone who voted on Relieving Frustrations. After the many times people asked me to continue the one-shot,  I decided to write another smutty short story about yet another couple. It turned into a much longer story than I intended it to be, so I split it up in three separate parts. I hope you will all enjoy ‘Let Go’. Please let me know what you think. Votes and comments are extremely appreciated!

Copyright 2015 © Rosesareforever

Let Go

Part 1: Off we go

Eyelids still heavy with sleep, Delilah opened the front door of her apartment for no other reason than to get the pounding happening on the other side to stop. The view she was met with made her want to scream out in frustration. Before she could utter a single word of protest, Ciara, her dear old friend, rushed inside and headed straight for the living room where she halted her movements and turned around, her eyes focused on Delilah. A look of disgust crossed her features. “I’m done letting you wallow in self-pity, Lilah. You better get the shower started before I call reinforcements.” In other words, before she called Delilah’s brother, who would undoubtedly drive straight to her apartment.

Looking down at herself, Delilah noted her pajama’s looked wrinkled and dirty after wearing them around the apartment for over a week. No surprise there, really. She didn’t even want to know how her hair looked, much less smell how badly she reeked. It probably wasn’t one of her best moments when she decided to close herself off from the world surrounding her.

Still, good idea or not, it had been effective. She hadn’t heard from Conrad since the day he broke off their engagement. Hearing, or worse, seeing him, would’ve made her fall apart. She still couldn’t quite believe it. Couldn’t grasp that after being together for over five years, he’d decided they were over. One day her life was perfect, the next it was a mess. Delilah didn’t understand what happened. To her, she’d been living the ideal life. Conrad and she had finally gotten engaged after they both graduated from college. They were happy – or so she believed.

Eight days, 6 hours and 16 minutes ago everything changed. Delilah had been getting ready to go out for dinner, her hair still wet and body wrapped in a towel, when Conrad suddenly entered the bathroom, his face constricted in pain. She’d immediately worried and asked him if something was wrong. Conrad had just shaken his head and told her he couldn’t do it anymore. Delilah hadn’t understood what he meant and asked for an explanation. It was then her world was shaken from its axis. Without saying how or why, Conrad told her he wanted out and was breaking up with her. Delilah hadn’t known what to say. She was so shell shocked, all she had been able to do was look at him as if he’d turned into a frog. Conrad had given her a sad, apologetic look and murmured a soft goodbye before he’d forever disappeared from her life.

Until this day, Delilah still didn’t know the reason behind his sudden change of mind. After Conrad walked out the door, she’d fallen to her knees and wept until she didn’t have a single tear left in her body. Distraught, Delilah had called Ciara and asked her to come over. Together, they’d talked for hours. The first cracks of dawn already started to appear when they finally went to bed.

“What are you waiting for?” Ciara huffed, ending Delilah’s endless train of thoughts, a hand on her hip. “In the shower you go.” The woman pointed in the direction of the bathroom, determination readable in her eyes. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that if Delilah didn’t follow orders there would be consequences.

Sighing, she shook her head. “What are you doing here? I told you I didn’t want to leave the house.” When reality finally started to seep through her hazy mind, Delilah had decided that she’d hide away in her apartment and act like the outside world no longer existed. It was the only way she could cope with the pain of having her heart torn to pieces.

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