Chapter 9: Josie Hill

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Chapter 9: Josie Hill

Sophie's POV


Things between Liam and I weren't all rainbows and butterflies after we talked that day, but after we both realised that we were a bit too quick to judge one another, we decided to try and at least be civil with each other. Friendships cannot be forced, and he and I knew better than to try and force a friendship only to end up getting at each other's throats when something goes wrong. 

My grandpa wasn't ecstatic after hearing about our little argument that we had that morning during breakfast, and didn't hold back from giving us a lecture when he did. 

'You both need to give each other a chance. I trust you both and I wouldn't have made you two work together if I didn't think that you had the potential to get along,' he had said. 

That was exactly why we both decided to give each other a chance, realising that there was more than meets the eye. 

That was how we left everyone speechless when we sat down for breakfast and smiled at each other, giving our good mornings. It wasn't common to see us act so friendly towards each other, and the fact that we did so after having verbally attacked each other not long before was certainly a surprising twist. 

I certainly couldn't miss Charlotte's shocked look, probably due to the fact that she had never imagined my apology to have gone so successfully, especially towards someone so hard headed as Liam. Aunt Helen, grandpa, and uncle Jo, on the other hand, looked at us proudly, looking as if they were parents seeing their children winning some type of prize. 

It was a known thing in the household that Liam and I did not see eye to eye. All of his snarky remarks being responded by my cold replies certainly did not give anyone the impression that we would be patching things up so quickly. 

"What happened here?" Jo asked cheerfully as he took a bite of his buttered-up toast, his gaze shifting from me to Liam. 

My eyes widened, fearing that Liam would tell them that I had an anxiety attack. No one in my family knew I was one to suffer from such things, and I certainly didn't want them to. What would the people from the city say if they knew that Sophie Reynolds had anxiety attacks? What would aunt Helen and my grandpa say if they found out that I had lost my mother's bracelet, only realising it was missing a full day after?

I did not want to disappoint them. 

"We just talked out our problems with each other and thought it would be best for everyone if we could at least try to be more civil with each other," Liam shrugged before taking a sip of his orange juice, making me let out the breath I had been holding in ever since Jo asked the question. 

I was surprised at the fact that he didn't rat me out, but I was also grateful that he realised how important it was for me to keep it all a secret between the two of us. Wanting to show him my gratitude, I sent him a grateful smile, to which he responded with a courteous nod, a smile of his own playing on his lips. 

"I'm happy to hear that Liam, I'm really proud of both of you for working it all out," my grandpa said with one of his heart warming smiles, the kind to make the wrinkles on his cheek crinkle up, his eyes bringing about a warm, loving atmosphere. "And because you did, I suddenly feel more relaxed to ask you to run an errand for me today," he continued, making Liam and I both raise our eyebrows questioningly at him, wondering what the errand could have possibly been. 

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